Monday, September 25, 2017


Your opinion
Has no value

FREEDOM OF SPEECH; every one in America has it.

But for the leftists, only they can express an opinion.

Take a knee? That’s OK; Leftists support that.

Suggest the kneelers be fired … THAT’S wrong, wrong, wrong.

As someone suggested, “Leftists want everyone to think as they think.”

Shades of Orwell's 1984.

WHILE I HAVE NOT checked each individual’s record, I am confident that few, if any, of the kneelers served a day in service to their country.

No enlistees. No AmeriCorps VISTAs.

A FEW give back to their communities, and they are to be commended.

Few complain that these Big Buck jocks lack basic flag courtesy; rarely does any player (of any sport) place his hand over his heart as the National Anthem is played or the nation’s flag is raised.

OK, I’m old, and in my school days, students and teachers stood and placed hand over heart during the pledge and whenever the anthem was played. Yes, I know that where the hand rested was not over the heart’s true site. Tradition is strong.

I’ll also concede there are times when I’d like to place my hands over my ears when some screecher wails the hard-to-sing anthem — there are more easily sung and equally suitable songs for the anthem: America the Beautiful and God Bless America come to mind, but the latter can’t be sung since it is not “politically correct.”

Not everyone who dodged the draft, e.g., Trump, Obama, Bush1, and Clinton, is as disrespectful of flag and country as the jocks — and some so-called “comedians” and network talking heads — the president and ex-presidents at least show respect for flag and country.

The jocks ARE entitled to their opinions, but so is President Trump.

If the jocks — and “comedians” and talking heads — have an issue with life in America they can pick another time to make their point. Stand for the anthem, put you hand on your heart, then go onto the field and SIT ON YOUR BACKSIDE . . . and take the team owner — your master (why do you think he’s called the team “owner”?) — with you.

I’m confident the leftists will support you by buying season tickets; they’ll have to fund your antics since thinking American’s will boycott the games. Sorry, thinking Americans’ opinions don’t count — except at the gate.

America is NOT perfect and problems need to be addressed. If any Big Buck jock — or “comedian” or talking head — thinks another country can offer them a better life, then go; America does not prevent anyone from leaving. There are 193 countries in the UN; America is only one so the kneelers and other disrespecters of flag and country have 192 options. How about North Korea; it’s leader hates America, but it’s really cold in winter — ask the Americans who fought in the Korean “police action” — or perhaps Iran, another country with leadership that hates America, the Big Satan; I’m sure both countries will welcome you with open arms. ‘Course if you behave in North Korea or Iran as you do in the U.S. your quarters could be prison until your execution. Misogynists should head to a Muslim-dominated country.

If the leftists’ cause is that blacks make up a larger part of the prison population than non-blacks, perhaps blacks should consider WHY. Even if every cop is a racist (how can that be when almost every department has black cops?), surely not every black will be falsely arrested or shot. (No question that too many blacks ARE falsely arrested or shot; but there also is no question that most black killings are by blacks.2)

“Taking a knee” is dramatic, but hardly effective.

If the jocks, et al, want to be effective they need to effect political change, either through the ballot box or through the courts. Antagonizing a large part of the population will NOT help them politically.

America is a free country where everyone — even the president — is entitled to express an opinion. The leftists need to learn that what is “good for the goose” also is “good for the gander.” Either we have free speech for all or free speech for none.

That’s a lesson the leftists have yet to learn.

1.   Geo. W. Bush (Bush 2) enlisted in the Air National Guard and managed to stay safely in the States until he received an EARLY discharge. See

2.   93 per cent of black victims were killed by blacks

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

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