Thursday, December 7, 2017

Solomon was right

So the Arabs are rioting,
So peace talks in danger,

So what else is new?

THE MEDIA, IN AN “I TOLD YOU SO” MODE, REPORTS THAT the Arabs are rioting in the streets and bewailing the end of “peace” talks with Israel all because President Trump agreed that Jerusalem is Israel's capital.

That is neither new nor news; the Arabs have been rioting in the streets – and worse, killing innocents with bombs, vehicles, guns, knives, and rocks – for decades. They have refused to sit down with Israeli government officials sans increasing impossible “pre-conditions” since Oslo, an agreement that they promptly violated.

THAT the media won’t admit.

September 18, 2014. A suicide bombing in Tel Aviv destroyed a bus and killed six on this date in 2002. It was one of dozens of such attacks over a four-year period from the eruption of the Second Intifada in October, 2000 until the death of Yasser Arafat in November, 2004, including: August 9, 2001, a suicide bombing of a Tel Aviv nightclub kills 21
December 1, 2001, 15 killed in a Jerusalem pizzeria;
December 2, 2001, 11 killed along a Jerusalem pedestrian mall;
January 4, 2002, 15 killed on a bus in Haifa;
March 9, 2002, 11 killed at a Jerusalem bar mitzvah party;
March 12, 2002, 11 killed in a Jerusalem cafe;
March 29, 2002, 30 killed at a Netanya hotel during a Passover seder; etc. The Second Intifada, coming on the heels of the failed Camp David Summit during the final days of the Clinton Presidency, destroyed the credibility of the Israeli peace movement and set in motion the tragic ascendancy of the Israeli right to this very day.1

A little more proof of Arab terrorism that has nothing to do with President Trump’s December 6th announcement that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital.

Titled Terrorism Against Israel: Comprehensive Listing of Fatalities 2, the web site covers Arab terror attacks from Sept. 1993 to Nov. 22, 2017.

The obviously biased Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs web site includes a page headlined Wave of terror 2015-2017.3 While it covers only two years, it lends additional proof that President Trump's pronouncement is not the cause of Arab terrorism.

PA won’t discuss peace

The admittedly biased Jewish Virtual Library, under the heading Fact Sheets: Mahmoud Abbas is the Obstacle to Peace>4 reports that

    Rather than taking tangible steps toward peace, Abbas has done nothing but bypass and evade bilateral negotiations with Israel while incessantly repeating the longstanding irredentist demands of the PLO. Moreover, Abbas' insistence that Israeli intransigence - not Palestinian - has stalled the peace process, displays an incredibly narrow and hazy grasp on recent history. Abbas's power, prestige and popularity have dramatically weakened over the years, both internationally and amongst the Palestinian people, and the evidence is overwhelming that he is the biggest obstacle to making peace with Israel.

    Abbas's refusal in both January 2012 and October 2011 to discuss tangible peace initiatives with Israel through talks facilitated by Jordanian King Abdullah and the Mideast Quartet - a grouping of Russia, the EU, US and UN - barely made news headlines. Likewise, his requirement that Israel meet a set of strict preconditions before negotiations - including a settlement construction freeze, acceptance of a Palestinian state based on pre-1967 lines, and the release of Palestinian prisoners not included in the Gilad Shalit exchange deal - was also mostly excused by an international media all too quick to make excuses for the Palestinian leader.

The piece was last edited on May 20, 2016 – long before President Trump’s announcement.

Solomon was right

When if comes to PA intransigence and attacks on Israelis, there is nothing new under the sun. Certainly – and even if the media refuses to acknowledge it – today’s threats are just a continuation of past acts. As for Europe – most of their politicians are Pollyannas when it comes to the Middle East; Israel bashing, direct or bouncing off President Trump, is a fact of life for them, making them beneath consideration.

1. September 18, 2014:
2. Terrorism Against Israel: Comprehensive Listing:
3. Wave of terror 2015-2017:

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

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