Sunday, February 25, 2018


Trump vs. . . .

ACCORDING TO THE DEMOCRATS AND THE FBI – an organization that gets it wrong as much as it gets it right – Present Trump’s advisers colluded with the Russians to defeat Hillary Clinton in the presidential election.

The Democrats contend that the Russians promised Trump’s people they would swing the election to Trump by exposing, apparently among her other embarrassments, Mrs. Clinton’s secret emails.

They also, again “apparently” used (ro)bots to flood social media with anti-Sanders comments (about which little is being said) and anti-Clinton comments.

So far, all claims above must be preceded by “apparently.”

A BRIEF LOOK AT ELECTION interference would show that the U.S. is near the top of the list of countries trying – and sometimes succeeding – to swing an election to the candidate favored by the U.S. ruling party. Jackass or elephant, same story.

Even liberal media admits it

The liberal media may be downplaying it now, but a quick look at the internet shows that even the liberal media reported on U.S. interference.

    Washington Post: The long history of the U.S. interfering with elections elsewhere1

    LA Times: The U.S. is no stranger to interfering in the elections of other countries2

    NPR: Database Tracks History Of U.S. Meddling In Foreign Elections3

On the other side

    New American: U.S. Has Interfered in Foreign Elections Multiple Times4

    Spectator: Obama’s Meddling in Foreign Elections: Six Examples5

From the (liberal) media

According to the Washington Post, mixing news and editorials,

    the United States does have a well-documented history of interfering and sometimes interrupting the workings of democracies elsewhere. It has occupied and intervened militarily in a whole swath of countries in the Caribbean and Latin America and fomented coups against democratically elected populists.

    The most infamous episodes include the ousting of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh in 1953 — whose government was replaced by an authoritarian monarchy favorable to Washington — the removal and assassination of Congolese leader Patrice Lumumba in 1961, and the violent toppling of socialist Chilean President Salvador Allende, whose government was swept aside in 1973 by a military coup led by the ruthless Gen. Augusto Pinochet.

    Aside from its instigation of coups and alliances with right-wing juntas, Washington sought to more subtly influence elections in all corners of the world. And so did Moscow. Political scientist Dov Levin calculates that the “two powers intervened in 117 elections around the world from 1946 to 2000 — an average of once in every nine competitive elections.”

The LA Times, also referring to Dov Levin’s research, notes that

    The U.S. has a long history of attempting to influence presidential elections in other countries – it's done so as many as 81 times between 1946 and 2000, according to a database amassed by political scientist Dov Levin of Carnegie Mellon University.

    That number doesn't include military coups and regime change efforts following the election of candidates the U.S. didn't like, notably those in Iran, Guatemala and Chile. Nor does it include general assistance with the electoral process, such as election monitoring.

    "We threw everything, including the kitchen sink" at helping the Christian Democrats beat the Communists in Italy, said Levin, including covertly delivering "bags of money"  to cover campaign expenses, sending experts to help run the campaign, subsidizing "pork" projects like land reclamation, and threatening publicly to end U.S. aid to Italy if the Communists were elected.

    In Czechoslovakia that same year (1990), the U.S. provided training and campaign funding to Vaclav Havel's party and its Slovak affiliate as they planned for the country's first democratic election after its transition away from communism.

    The U.S. also attempted to sway Russian elections. In 1996, with the presidency of Boris Yeltsin and the Russian economy flailing, President Clinton endorsed a $10.2-billion loan from the International Monetary Fund linked to privatization, trade liberalization and other measures that would move Russia toward a capitalist economy.

    In the Middle East, the U.S. has aimed to bolster candidates who could further the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. In 1996, seeking to fulfill the legacy of assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and the peace accords the U.S. brokered, Clinton openly supported Shimon Peres, convening a peace summit in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el Sheik to boost his popular support and inviting him to a meeting at the White House a month before the election.

    In 1999, in a more subtle effort to sway the election, top Clinton strategists, including James Carville, were sent to advise Labor candidate Ehud Barak in the election against Netanyahu.

    In 2000, the U.S. spent millions of dollars in aid for political parties, campaign costs and independent media. Funding and broadcast equipment provided to the media arms of the opposition were a decisive factor in electing opposition candidate Vojislav Kostunica as Yugoslav president, according to Levin.

NPR’s Ari Shapirio went directly to the source, Carnegie Mellon University researcher Dov Levin, for Shapirio’s All Things Considered talk show.

    SHAPIRO: How often are these interventions public versus covert?

    LEVIN: Well, it's - basically there's about - one-third of them are public, and two-third of them are covert. In other words, they're not known to the voters in the target before the election.

    SHAPIRO: Your count does not include coups, attempts at regime change. It sounds like depending on the definitions, the tally could actually be much higher.

    LEVIN: Well, you're right. I don't count and discount covert coup d'etats like the United States did in Iran in 1953 or in Guatemala in 1954. I only took when the United States is trying directly to influence an election for one of the sides. Other types of interventions - I don't discuss. But if we would include those, then of course the number could be larger, yeah.

    SHAPIRO: How often do other countries like Russia, for example, try to alter the outcome of elections as compared to the United States?

    LEVIN: Well, for my dataset, the United States is the most common user of this technique. Russia or the Soviet Union since 1945 has used it half as much. My estimate has been 36 cases between 1946 to 2000. We know also that the Chinese have used this technique and the Venezuelans when the late Hugo Chavez was still in power in Venezuela and other countries.

    SHAPIRO: In your view, is technology - the way that we saw in the November election - dramatically changing the game? Or is this just the latest evolution of an effort that has always used whatever tools are available?

    LEVIN: I would say it's more the latter. I mean the Russians or the Soviets before unfrequentlycq did these type of intervention, just, you know, without the cyber-hacking tools - you know, the old style people meeting in the park in secret giving out and getting information and things like that, so to speak.

But was there collusion?

I doubt anyone denies that there was conversations between Trump staffers and Russians working for Putin or the oligarchs. Conversations between leaders – and in Trump’s case, potential leaders – is, and should be, Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). That’s how these people get to know what to expect. Informally laying out expectations before formal negotiations commence.

Did Mrs. Clinton or her sycophants meet with any foreign governments when she was the Democrat heir(ess) apparent? Even a “friendly” government such as Canada or England? If she did, where are the news reports? If she did not, why not. Was she already convinced the election was Trump’s?

Then there is the “alleged” Russian attacks against Mrs. Clinton’s primary rival, Bernie Sanders.

Is Sanders a Socialist or Democrat Socialist? The internet is replete with conflicting opinions. According to Politico.com6,

    Sanders, 73, has been preaching socialism for nearly half a century, and he cites Eugene Debs, the five-time presidential candidate of the Socialist Party of America, as his hero. But he hasn’t always embraced the label.

    “I myself don’t use the word socialism,” he said in 1976 in the Vermont Cynic, a student publication at the University of Vermont, “because people have been brainwashed into thinking socialism automatically means slave-labor camps, dictatorship and lack of freedom of speech.”

Was the Clinton campaign in any way involved with “the Russians” (or anyone else, perhaps the Chinese) to sink Sanders or to damage Trump or any other GOP or Democrat?

We know, based on Benghazi and other incidents when she was Secretary of State – not forgetting the “sensitive” emails on non-government secured servers – that she sometimes plays “fast and loose” with both the truth and laws.

We also know her boss, ex-President Obama, did meddle in foreign elections5

The Obama meddling was generally ignored by the leftist media, and Mrs. Clinton’s multiple faux pas were quickly pushed aside by the same media. (Even President Trump gave her a “pass” on her emails.)

The Democrats and the liberal media are behaving like Janus – the Roman god, not Joplin, the late singer.

It’s time to get real in Washington.


1. WashPost:

2. LA Times:

3. NPR:

4. New American:

5. Spectator:

6. Politico:

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Comments on Trump vs. ...

Friday, February 23, 2018


Why the silence
From Democrat

Normally vocal Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (Democrat, FL 23rd Congressional District) has somehow managed to constrain herself – and miss out on free tv coverage – despite representing a district close to the murders in Parkland.

Likewise no public words from Lois Frankel (Democrat, FL 21st Congressional District), Parkland’s representative to the U.S. House.

Apparently Frankel says very little about anything.

Wasserman-Schultz, on the other hand, hardly ever misses a chance to stand in front of the cameras.

WHEN THE HURRICANE HIT and several patients died from lack of care, Wasserman-Schultz was front and center. Even her fellow Democrat in Dade County, Frederica Wilson (D, FL 24th Congressional District) jumped on that bandwagon.

    Authorities say the deaths of 12 of the 14 Florida nursing home patients who died after Hurricane Irma have been ruled homicides.1

Reporters, particularly from the liberal media, have been quick to challenge Republicans at all levels, from Florida’s governor and attorney general to Senator Marco Rubio, and of course President Trump.

DO SOMETHING they demand.

Never mind that the tragedy might have been prevented if there had been better

    Communication among state and federal agencies and

    Enforcement of laws already on the books.

As far as making 21 the minimum age limit to buy a rifle (currently 18 in Florida), an FBI study from 19972 shows that nearly 80 percent of all firearms used in a crime were either obtained from a friend or family member (39.6%) or obtained on the street or from an illegal source (39.2%).

The same report showed that only 0.7% of guns in criminals’ hands were bought at gun shows. Still too many, but gun shows are not criminals’ preferred source of weapons.

Bottom line: Changing the minimum age to buy a rifle (21 for handguns) is an exercise in futility if the FBI can be believed.

    To complete the FBI report, 1% of criminals purchased a gun at a flea market, 3.8% of criminals purchased a gun from a pawn shop, and 8.3% of criminals actually bought their guns from retail outlets

Florida IS making it harder for people with mental deficiencies to legally acquire a firearm. Will the liberals and ACLU rush to defeat the measure or have it overturned in court? That remains to be seen.

Should there be national gun control laws? Should there be a national driver’s license? Vehicles, after all, kill far more people than guns.

If an 18 year old is too immature to buy a rifle then perhaps that 18 year old is too immature to vote. Obviously if that is the case, than an 18 year old is too immature to be a soldier.

Returning the the original question: Has anyone heard anything from the Democrat congresswomen?

Why have the local – and national – media failed to ask Wasserman-Schultz what she recommends, and maybe ask why she and her fellows in congress are just now clamoring for gun control. Why not during the eight years of ex-president Obama’s reign?

When will the media – again, both local and national – interview Frankel.

Both women have had ample time to formulate an answer or to parrot their party’s leadership stand (Blame Trump, blame the GOP, blame the NRA).

There ARE people who should be denied gun ownership. No argument there. (Now consider banning ownership of certain other weapons, including knives and vehicles.)

There are no easy answers no matter how hard the media tries to suggest there are such answers.

Perhaps that is the reason Wasserman-Schultz has been uncommonly quiet and why Frankel has yet to raise her voice.​




PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Comments on Silent congresswomen

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


“Journalists” don’t
Bother to check
Available facts

BECAUSE THE PARKLAND FL SHOOTING is “just down the street” and because for many years I worked as a reporter and editor, I do my own homework on the shooting.

Most of what I hear and see on the saturation news about the tragic event spews out of the mouths of ignoramuses (ignorami?). I’m being kind.

The “reporters” and talking heads in tv land continue to tell me that “there were no laws” that could have prevented the shooting. Of course, the suggestion is that there are no laws because of President Trump.


There are laws.

The alleged shooter broke the laws well before his rampage that murdered 17 people.

Had the laws been enforced, his guns would have been confiscated.

Had the school counselors talked to mental health people, his guns might have been confiscated.

Had law enforcement and the courts acted on the shooter’s past felonies, the guns might have been confiscated.

Had the courts given information to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE), the guns might have been confiscated.

Had the FBI in D.C. talked to the FBI in south Florida and had the FBI in south Florida talked to the Broward County Sheriff’s Office, the disaster might have been prevented.

If the “reporters” and their “editors” – “professional” only in the sense they are paid, and handsomely – did what they should be doing, they would know that Florida has strict rules for gun ownership.

I can understand that these “news” people wanted to be first on the air with a breaking story, but days later they STILL are getting it wrong.

Rather than do minimal homework … using Google or Dogpile or any other internet search engine, they could discover what I discovered. There ARE laws in place in Florida.

The incident might have been prevented if anyone had communicated to others what they knew about the shooter. The laws are in place to prevent felons and people with mental deficiencies from owning weapons.

The tragedy at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School saddens me.

The unprofessionalism, the laziness, the incompetence of the media angers me.

I’m glad I no longer have any connection with the so-called “news” media.

I would like to think things were different “back in the day.” I know my editors would have had a field day with the proverbial red pencil if I turned in copy as poorly researched as today’s journalists’ efforts. I also know that as an editor I would be sorely tempted to replace a reporter who turned in sloppy copy.

I listened to part of a news conference today where a member of the media – not hearing what he wanted to hear, interrupted the White House spokesperson. She responded in kind, saying – in slightly different words – “Pardon me for talking while you were interrupting.” The reporter had an agenda and the spokesperson’s answer to his query wasn’t what he wanted her to say.

In my day,I’m happy to report, both sides respected the other, even if we didn’t agree, or even LIKE each other.

Did I write that I’m glad not to be any longer associated with the media? I would be ashamed to claim to be a reporter or editor today.

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Comments on Ignored facts

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


Six last words
On gun control




There ARE laws that

    a. Had they been enforced and b. Had the involved agencies communicated with each other
MIGHT have prevented the shooting in Parkland FL.

The Gary Varvel cartoon, above, points all the fingers at the FBI.

But the FBI is not the only organization that should be criticized.

Add to the list, including – but probably not limited to –

    county school system local law enforcement and courts state Department of Children & Families (DCF)

The alleged shooter's parents are dead. He had been taken in by a schoolmate’s family only a few weeks previously. Could the parents, when they were alive, done anything, seen a pattern of violence developing in their son? Now it’s a question that never will be answered.

If half of the comments about the “alleged” shooter are true, then, under Florida law1, he could not legally own a firearm – not a rifle and not a pistol.

One of the young adult’s crimes, having a firearm on school property, is a third degree felony in Florida.

According to the Florida Gun Charges and Penalties web site2,

    Possessing or discharging a weapon at a school-sponsored event means that the defendant exhibited a dangerous weapon or firearm in a rude, careless, angry, or threatening manner, in the presence of at least one person, at a school sponsored event or on the grounds of a school. This crime is a felony of the third degree, punishable by up to 5 years in prison, up to 5 years of probation, and up to $5,000 in fines. A claim of self-defense is also a defense to this charge. (Emphasis mine)

The problem is, was the person (a) arrested and (b) convicted.

If there was a conviction, then Florida law is very clear. A convicted felon is barred from owning a firearm (and several other weapons, including stun guns).

It is not sufficient that a person be arrested and convicted of a felony, the information must be provided to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE). The FDLE is supposed to review all gun purchasers’ backgrounds.

    Granted, there is no waiting period to buy a long gun (rifle, shotgun) in Florida. There is a three-day waiting period for pistols. Despite being able to walk out with a long gun, it still can be confiscated by law enforcement at any time.

Even if adjudication is withheld, Florida law still would prevent the shooter’s gun ownership: Adjudicated delinquent or received adjudication withheld as a juvenile for a felony charge and person is under the age of 24.

Apparently DCF, which has a history with the 19-year-old, felt he was mentally competent. State law would have prevented gun ownership had DCF taken court action (Adjudicated mentally defective or involuntarily committed by a judge ).

The Broward County school system apparently did nothing but shuffle the now 19-year-old from school to school. He recently was expelled from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School where the shooting took place, and transferred to an alternative school.

The FBI, by its own admission, failed to act.

However, as one person on the Varvel site3 commented,

    Why didn’t the FBI arrest him before the shootings? Because he hadn’t broken the law yet. Were there ways that he could have been stopped beforehand? Yes, but Conservative lawmakers claim that ANY of those ways infringes on the rights of Law Abiding Citizens.
The comment is wrong on several counts: the shooter HAD broken the law by previously bringing a weapon to a school, and while many Conservatives are reluctant to violate the Second Amendment, it is more likely that the leftists and ACLU would have rushed to the person’s defense if his gun ownership was challenged. It’s a crazy world.

Had the juvenile authorities – from the police to the courts – done their job and communicated with the FDLE, the shooting might have been prevented.

Had the FBI shared its information with the local office, AND had the FBI shared this information with the Broward County Sheriff’s Office (which provides police services to Parkland), and the Broward County School system, the shooting might have been prevented.

There is no need for new laws.

There is nothing the nation’s president can do (even when a high school kid tells reporters “We’re not going to him, he has to come to us” – a bit of chutzpah). He could, of course, issue an executive order, but it probably would be quickly overturned by the judiciary as his previous executive orders have been overturned.

The AR-15 used in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School was a semi-automatic – not an “assault rifle” that may be fired single shot (as the shooter’s gun), in three-shot “automatic” mode, or in full automatic mode – that could be used as a hunting rifle. “Semi-automatic” simply means that cartridges are stored in a magazine that pushes a new cartridge into the chamber when the chamber is empty. Fully automatic weapons are illegal for private ownership in the U.S.

If any new law might be in order, its a limit on the number of cartridges a magazine can hold. In the Parkland case, the shooter is said to have had a number of low capacity magazines. California already has a 10-round magazine maximum.


Rather than new laws, enforce the ones already on the books and insist that law enforcement and related agencies (e.g., DCF and similar and school systems) SHARE THEIR INFORMATION.

9-11 (2001) happened largely because the FBI failed to share information WITHIN ITS OWN ORGANIZATION as well as local law enforcement. Apparently 9-11 was a lesson NOT learned by the FBI.

What could the president do? Fire the FBI director? He’s already fired one. The problem within the FBI is at the rank and file level. Directors believe they direct, but local office bosses control what the agents do – or don’t do.

As with the U.S. State Department, presidents, directors, and department secretaries are too far removed from the trenches to have much influence.




PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Comments on 6 last words

Sunday, February 18, 2018


Gun control
Federal, State?

I LIVE “DOWN THE ROAD” from the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland FL and the local news offers nothing else.

One distraught mother railed at President Trump to “do something” about guns.

To my mind, the president is the wrong person to deal with gun control.

FIRST OF ALL, the Fibbies, the Federal Bureau of Investigation or FBI, admittedly botched the preventive measures. According to CNN1,

    Attorney General Jeff Sessions ordered a review Friday into how the Justice Department and FBI respond to indications of potential violence after the bureau said it failed to act on a tip about the shooter in the Parkland, Florida, school massacre.

    A person close to Nikolas Cruz, the confessed shooter, contacted the FBI on January 5 to report concerns about him, the FBI said in a statement Friday. But the bureau did not appropriately follow established protocols in following up on the tip.

    "The information was not provided to the Miami Field Office, and no further investigation was conducted at that time," the statement said.

Shimon Prokupecz, the CNN writer then editorialized: The stunning admission -- which prompted Florida Gov. Rick Scott to call on FBI Director Christopher Wray to resign -- is sure to raise further questions about whether the FBI could have prevented the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, which left 17 dead.

Anyone who remembers 9-11 (2001) will recall that the fibbies failed then, too. Despite information at multiple FBI offices, there was zero sharing of the information and 2,996 people died in one day, and more later of the after effects. Anyone who was born in the 1940s also knows that some American’s knew the Japanese planned to attack Pearl Harbor on December 72. (Sadly, many younger Americans don’t know about December 7, 1941.)

Obviously the federal government is not capable of protecting its citizens.

Congress talks a lot, but rarely does anything. It managed to pass the Federal Assault Weapons Ban, a/k/a Brady Bill, but the bill expired.

President Trump might issue an executive order banning gun sales, but with his record with the courts, the order probably would be killed by the judicial branch.

A 1997 Justice Department survey3 of more than 18,000 state and federal convicts revealed the truth:

    • 39.6% of criminals obtained a gun from a friend or family member
    • 39.2% of criminals obtained a gun on the street or from an illegal source
    • 0.7% of criminals purchased a gun at a gun show
    • 1% of criminals purchased a gun at a flea market
    • 3.8% of criminals purchased a gun from a pawn shop
    • 8.3% of criminals actually bought their guns from retail outlets

Gun control rightly belongs to the states. (The U.S. already has suffered through a civil war caused largely by the federal government taking away individual state’s rights.)

Florida, where the latest mass murder was committed, has laws on the books that would have prevented the shooter from legally acquiring a gun, any gun.

A person convicted of a felony cannot legally acquire a firearm.4

    According to Title XLVI, Chapter 790, Section 115 of Florida statutes, A person who exhibits any sword, sword cane, firearm, electric weapon or device, destructive device, or other weapon as defined in s. 790.001(13), including a razor blade, box cutter, or common pocketknife, except as authorized in support of school-sanctioned activities, in the presence of one or more persons in a rude, careless, angry, or threatening manner and not in lawful self-defense, at a school-sponsored event or on the grounds or facilities of any school, school bus, or school bus stop, or within 1,000 feet of the real property that comprises a public or private elementary school, middle school, or secondary school, during school hours or during the time of a sanctioned school activity, commits a felony of the third degree.

Other Florida statues that prevent legal ownership of a firearm include5

    * Felony conviction
    * Active warrant (felony or misdemeanor)
    * Unlawful user or addicted to any controlled substance
    * Adjudicated mentally defective or involuntarily committed by a judge
    * Illegal alien status
    * Dishonorable discharge from US Armed Forces
    * Renounced United States citizenship
    * Active protection order (injunction for protection, restraining order, etc.)
    * Convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence
    * Under indictment or information for a crime punishable by a term exceeding one year in prison.
    * Adjudicated delinquent or received adjudication withheld as a juvenile for a felony charge and person is under the age of 24
    * Adjudication withheld for any felony or a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence and three years has not yet lapsed since the completion of sentencing provisions

The alleged shooter is said to have several run-ins with authorities and was apparently known to be violent.

HAD these activities resulted in an arrest and conviction, and had the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) be alert, or had the FBI acted on a tip to look at the shooter’s Internet postings, the person never would have legally been allowed to buy a gun.

Also, given the alleged shooter’s mental state, how is it that his parents – and later his guardians – allowed him to buy he rifle and then to purchase multiple magazines.

    California restricts magazines to 10 rounds. Obviously people with the intent to cause mass carnage can get around the law simply by buying many 10-round magazines.

The FBI provides a table6 titled Crime in the United States 2013 that lists homicides by state and by weapon type.

California, with its strict gun control, leads the nation in 2013 with 1,745 killings, of which 1,224 were by firearms (rifles, shotguns, and handguns), with another 238 by knives “or other cutting instruments,” 191 by “other weapons,” with the balance, 92, attributed to “hands, fists, feet, etc.

Chicago IL, with strict gun controls, saw “historic” crime lows7 in 2013, including the fewest murders in 48 years, according to police.

The city tallied only 415 murders in 2013—88 fewer than 2012, according to data from police spokesman Adam Collins. (Emphasis mine.)

New York City8 bragged on its web site that Through Sunday, December 29th, New York City has seen 84 fewer murders than at this point last year: 333 murders in 2013 compared with 417 murders in 2012 – a decrease of 20.1 percent. Murders committed with firearms represent 194 of the 333 murders in 2013, 58.3 percent (proving that a firearm is NOT necessary to murder someone in New York City).

New York, Chicago, and California are famous for gun control legislation.

Israel, which many gun control promoters point to as a good example, has started allowing some civilians to own weapons. There are restrictions, but compared to previous years, many more Israeli civilians now own legal weapons. The weapons generally are used in self-defense against terrorists.

As with gun proliferation in the U.S., there are many illegal weapons available in Israel.


When gun controls are strictly enforced,

    Murders by firearm may be reduced, but they are not eliminated
    Anyone who really wants a firearm can, for a price, acquire one – not legally, but none-the-less
    A person determined to kill another simply will use a different weapon
    A person is less likely to attack a person or property when the person or property is protected by a firearm … AND a person who knows when and how to use the firearm.

For all of the above, it is not within the purview of the president or congress to legislate gun control; that belongs to the sovereign states.

This scrivener owns firearms and has a concealed carry permit. He has never shot anyone and hopes he never will, but he does spend time at the range and is prepared to defend himself and others whose lives are threatened by criminals.










PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Comments on Gun Control


Salute the rank,
Not the person;
Simple courtesy

WHEN I WAS A YOUNG LAD OF 17 I enlisted in the US Air Force. This was 1960 – almost the end of the hot “UN” Korean policing action and the ramping up of the war in Vietnam.

Unlike the heart throbs of the day, I joined the regular Air Force rather than the AF Reserves or Air National Guard. (Credit where it’s due: THE major heart throb, Elvis Presley, did his time in the Regular Army, inside a tank.)

One of the first things I learned, after getting shorn of my already short hair (Cost: 75¢ from my first month’s pay of $76) that no matter if I hated that SOB with chickens on his collar, I was saluting the chickens (eagles), not the man. Birds, chickens or eagles, indicate an officer with a rank of O-6; a colonel in the Air Force, Army, and Marines and a captain in the Coast Guard and Navy.

There were, in my brief military “career” a few “chicken colonels” I disliked, but the chickens on their collar rated, and received, a salute.

This idea of honor the rank if not the person holding the rank seems to be an anachronism; civility forgotten somewhere between a politician’s home and the state or national capital.

When President Trump invited the leadership of both parties to his office to try and find common ground, the Democrat (Dumb-o-crat) leadership stood him up.

Like him or not – and there are many who consider him beneath contempt – he IS the nation’s president; in military terms, he is the Commander in Chief, the boss.

Neither he, nor the O-6s with whom I took exception, are above the law.

No one expects the likes of Hillary Clinton and her leftist sycophants to respect Mr. Trump, but they should – albeit they do not – show a modicum of respect for the office.

    Salute the rank, not the person.

Disrespecting the person of the President is nothing new in this country. I doubt there ever has been a president who was not disrespected, no matter what party he represented.

Disrespecting the office of the President is another matter.

    Salute the rank, not the person.

President Trump called for the nation to work together. “We” can make America great again. “We” can make things better.

Rather than agree to try to work together, there were people who insist that they are excluded from the “we” because of the color of their skin.1

Despite the president’s willingness to create a path to citizenship for “Dreamers,” the so-called Dreamers, egged on by the leftists, continue to claim he is offering nothing. He’s asking that the “Dreamers” either stay in school or find a job to prove they can be productive citizens. He is not telling them to enlist in the military or to volunteer for national service with Americorps VISTA2 Many citizen want-to-be’s expedited their path to citizenship via service of one type or another to the country they want to adopt.

The leftists are talented yellers and screamers, but seem to have no talent for listening. They insist that President Trump’s “We” does not include them. In fact, they exclude themselves. His “dreamers to citizens” proposal is not good enough. Why? Mostly because the Dumb-o-crats cannot take credit for it. The Dreamers are just pawns of the leftists.

They never learned the lesson I learned early on in Air Force basic training: “Salute the rank, not the officer wearing it.”

    A little military humor.

    Enlisted man at a vending machine.

    Officer – probably a newly minted second lieutenant – approaches and asks” “Do you have change for $5? “

    The enlisted man replies “I’ll check.”

    The officer responds: “That’s ‘I’ll check, SIR!’ I will ask you again: Do you have change for $5?”

    To which the enlisted man promptly replies: “No SIR!”




PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

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Thursday, February 15, 2018


See something
Say something
Ignored – 17 dead

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14th – VALENTINE’S DAY – a 19-year-old former Stoneman Douglas High School student armed with an AR-15 allegedly murdered 17 people.

Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel went in front of the cameras and told everyone watching that “if you see something, say something” to prevent a recurrence of the Parkland FL tragedy.

Much had been seen, but apparently nothing was said.

ACCORDING TO TV news reports – the only news on the local stations was about the “most deadly school massacre in U.S. history” – the alleged shooter, has been in trouble several times for bringing weapons onto school grounds.

They also claim that 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz had been expelled from Stoneman Douglas High School, although it was not clear what prompted the expulsion, Cruz was admitted to an alternative school.

CNN1 offers what it believes is background on the event.

  • School shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz had a variety of gun and violence-related postings on social media sites.
  • The shooting suspect purchased an AR-15 style firearm in the past year, according to a US official briefed on the investigation.
    The official added that he passed the background check to be able to purchase the weapon.

The shooter is said to have shot two people outside the school.

Apparently the shooter had multiple magazines for the rifle.

Someone, the shooter perhaps, pulled a fire alarm and students started exiting classrooms, becoming targets for the shooter.

As shots were heard, the fire alarm was over-ridden by a “Code Red” announcement that instructed everyone to remain inside locked classrooms.


The shooter came to the school armed with an AR-15 rifle. Even with a foldable stock, an AR-15 is hard to hide on a warm day in Florida. The shooter was dressed in a school shirt that could not conceal the rifle.

According to CNN (ibid.), Cruz posted threatening comments on YouTube and other sites, including "I whana shoot people with my AR-15.”

Local news reports suggest that Cruz killed small animals. The local media also interviewed a number of students at the high school that reported finding Cruz “strange.”

Cruz had been expelled from the high school; no reason provided.

Cruz had been in trouble with the school system for repeatedly bringing weapons onto school grounds, a violation of Florida law.

People DID see things but apparently no one DID anything.

Shades of 9-11 (2011).

This Sgt. Schultz “I see nothing” attitude apparently is rampant within bureaucracy – again and again we hear of children being abused or killed almost under the eyes of the social workers employed to protect the children.

Florida requires a cursory background check on everyone buying a firearm. There are two problems:

  • Rifle purchasers have no waiting period; they complete the form in the gun store and walk out with the weapon (and ammunition).
  • Anyone can buy a gun except for certain classes; felons are prohibited from owning guns of any type.

According to Title XLVI, Chapter 790, Section 115 of Florida statutes2, A person who exhibits any sword, sword cane, firearm, electric weapon or device, destructive device, or other weapon as defined in s. 790.001(13), including a razor blade, box cutter, or common pocketknife, except as authorized in support of school-sanctioned activities, in the presence of one or more persons in a rude, careless, angry, or threatening manner and not in lawful self-defense, at a school-sponsored event or on the grounds or facilities of any school, school bus, or school bus stop, or within 1,000 feet of the real property that comprises a public or private elementary school, middle school, or secondary school, during school hours or during the time of a sanctioned school activity, commits a felony of the third degree.

Since Cruz apparently had been arrested – was there a conviction? – it is possible that the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) might have had the gun sale canceled and the weapon confiscated.

Apparently no one informed the FDLE.

There WAS an abundance of things to be seen, but no one said anything, at least to any one who could have, should have, acted upon the information.

See something, Say something only works when someone acts.

The Federal agencies that had information about Muslims who only wanted to learn how to control an airplane – but not land it – failed to share information among themselves and other federal agencies. Result: More than 3,000 people died on September 11, 2011; 2,996 on the day of the massacre and more – primarily first responders – on the following days, weeks, and months as a result to the attacks.3

The Miami (FL) Herald4 reported in March of 2014 that Over six years, nearly 500 children died after the Department of Children and Families had been warned, sometimes repeatedly, that they or their siblings could be in danger. There were many missed opportunities for the state to protect the children.

Florida is not alone in this shameful statistic.

THE SHOOTING RAMPAGE is no the only issues that mars the school’s history.

On May 22, 2013, a Stoneman Douglas High School student, Bailey Mae Leal5, committed suicide at her home.

A soccer star, she apparently had been bullied by her fellow students.

The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing6







6. ttps://

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Comments on See something, Say something

Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Criminals rewarded
For their crimes:
Only in America

REWARDING ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS with instant citizenship, as several U.S. presidents (both parties) have done is pretty much Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).

Now, the New York Times1 reports that a civil jury for the Federal District Court in Brooklyn decided that Jerry Wolkoff, a real estate developer who owned 5Pointz, broke the law when he whitewashed dozens of swirling murals at the complex, obliterating what a lawyer for the artists had called “the world’s largest open-air aerosol museum.”

Some graffiti can be truly artistic.


Perhaps beauty is in the eye of the beholder – apparently the folks of California-East thought defacing private property was beautiful – but obviously the owner of the defaced buildings disagreed.

The Times, under a heading reading Graffiti Artists Awarded $6.7 Million for Destroyed 5Pointz Murals, reports that graffiti — a typically transient form of art — was of sufficient stature to be protected by the law, a federal judge in Brooklyn awarded a judgment of $6.7 million on Monday to 21 graffiti artists whose works were destroyed in 2013 at the 5Pointz complex in Long Island City, Queens.

In November, a landmark trial came to a close in Federal District Court in Brooklyn when a civil jury decided that Jerry Wolkoff, a real estate developer who owned 5Pointz, broke the law when he whitewashed dozens of swirling murals at the complex, obliterating what a lawyer for the artists had called “the world’s largest open-air aerosol museum.”

Though Mr. Wolkoff’s lawyers had argued that the buildings were his to treat as he pleased, the jury found he violated the Visual Artists Rights Act, or V.A.R.A., which has been used to protect public art of “recognized stature” created on someone’s else property.

The “operative words” apparently are “recognized stature.” The question is: Who is the authority to determine when graffiti – or any other “art” – is of “recognized stature.”

I could understand if this blatant miscarriage of justice occurred in San Francisco or even LA, but Brooklyn?

Apparently a jury of art connoisseurs felt that spray paint Michelangelos and Picassos had more right to the sides of the private property than the owner of the property.

Given the mentality of Brooklynites, the owner’s property taxes are likely to jump substantially because the buildings now are “objects d’ art.”

Eric Baum, a lawyer for the artists, hailed the judgment, calling it “a victory not only for the artists in this case, but for artists all around the country.”

“The clear message is that art protected by federal law must be cherished and not destroyed,” Mr. Baum said. “With this win, the spirit of 5Pointz becomes a legacy for generations of artists to come.”

According to ArtDaily.com2, Andy Warhol’s Small Torn Campbell Soup Can (Pepper Pot), 1962, sold for $11,776,000 and set a world auction record for a painting from the Campbell Soup Can series.

Much as I like soup, I don’t think I would pay nearly US$12 million for something little more than graffiti. At least Warhol did his work on canvass, not someone’s private property.

I wonder how a federal court would rule if the “artists” used a federal monument – truly public property – as a “canvass” for their “art.” Maybe a portrait of Alfred E. Neuman on the Washington Monument or perhaps Not the Baby (Dinosours’ tv show, c 1992) on the White House. How about the Road Runner on the side of Air Force 1. Why not, at least these “canvasses” are public property.

It seems that in Brooklyn, the inmates have taken over the asylum.



PLAGIARISM” is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

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