Wednesday, February 21, 2018


“Journalists” don’t
Bother to check
Available facts

BECAUSE THE PARKLAND FL SHOOTING is “just down the street” and because for many years I worked as a reporter and editor, I do my own homework on the shooting.

Most of what I hear and see on the saturation news about the tragic event spews out of the mouths of ignoramuses (ignorami?). I’m being kind.

The “reporters” and talking heads in tv land continue to tell me that “there were no laws” that could have prevented the shooting. Of course, the suggestion is that there are no laws because of President Trump.


There are laws.

The alleged shooter broke the laws well before his rampage that murdered 17 people.

Had the laws been enforced, his guns would have been confiscated.

Had the school counselors talked to mental health people, his guns might have been confiscated.

Had law enforcement and the courts acted on the shooter’s past felonies, the guns might have been confiscated.

Had the courts given information to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE), the guns might have been confiscated.

Had the FBI in D.C. talked to the FBI in south Florida and had the FBI in south Florida talked to the Broward County Sheriff’s Office, the disaster might have been prevented.

If the “reporters” and their “editors” – “professional” only in the sense they are paid, and handsomely – did what they should be doing, they would know that Florida has strict rules for gun ownership.

I can understand that these “news” people wanted to be first on the air with a breaking story, but days later they STILL are getting it wrong.

Rather than do minimal homework … using Google or Dogpile or any other internet search engine, they could discover what I discovered. There ARE laws in place in Florida.

The incident might have been prevented if anyone had communicated to others what they knew about the shooter. The laws are in place to prevent felons and people with mental deficiencies from owning weapons.

The tragedy at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School saddens me.

The unprofessionalism, the laziness, the incompetence of the media angers me.

I’m glad I no longer have any connection with the so-called “news” media.

I would like to think things were different “back in the day.” I know my editors would have had a field day with the proverbial red pencil if I turned in copy as poorly researched as today’s journalists’ efforts. I also know that as an editor I would be sorely tempted to replace a reporter who turned in sloppy copy.

I listened to part of a news conference today where a member of the media – not hearing what he wanted to hear, interrupted the White House spokesperson. She responded in kind, saying – in slightly different words – “Pardon me for talking while you were interrupting.” The reporter had an agenda and the spokesperson’s answer to his query wasn’t what he wanted her to say.

In my day,I’m happy to report, both sides respected the other, even if we didn’t agree, or even LIKE each other.

Did I write that I’m glad not to be any longer associated with the media? I would be ashamed to claim to be a reporter or editor today.

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

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