Wednesday, March 14, 2018


Tillerson is out,
CIA’s Pompeo in

WHY DOES TILLERSON’S PARTING ways with President Trump surprise anyone.

Over and over and over yet again Tillerson has been at odds with his boss.

Almost everyone knows, if you work against your boss, you are soon "out the door.”

Especially when you publicly call your boss a “moron.”

WHILE MOST “MAJOR MEDIA” report that Rex Tillerson learned about his dismissal via a tweet, there was an early morning report that the president told the secretary, then in Africa, to come back and pack his bags.

Regardless, it is one thing to disagree with your boss in private; it is quite another matter to disagree with your boss in front of the cameras – especially before cameras wielded for leftist media

According to the New York Times1,

    Mr. Trump announced he would replace Mr. Tillerson with Mike Pompeo, the CIA director and former Tea Party congressman., Pompeo forged a close relationship with the president and is viewed as being more in sync with Mr. Trump’s America First credo.

When you publicly call your boss a “moron,” unless you are yourself a moron, you must know your days as an employee are numbered.

Tillerson should not have been surprised by the dismissal; the surprise is that the president didn’t fire him before.

Debate is good A boss who surrounds himself (or herself) with “yes men” (“yes women”) is a fool. Diverse opinions should be valued and, I hope they are in Trump’s White House. But not before the general public and not before the media proven “out to get” President Trump and his administration.

According to President Trump’s statements to the media, Tillerson’s replacement, CIA boss Mike Pompeo’s thought processes are more in line with the president than were Tillereson’s.

As head of the CIA, while Pompeo can expect tough questions from congress – from both side of the aisle, especially from Sen. John McCain (R, AZ) who lately seems more of a liberal than a conservative. Still, Pompeo probably will be confirmed.

    Perhaps – albeit it isn’t likely – having been head of the CIA, Pompeo can either get the left leaning rank-and-file of the State Department to “straighten up” and represent the incumbent president or, as a "new broom," sweep out the people who refuse to follow the secretary's (and president's) orders. State has a well-deserved reputation of ignoring White House direction; this is not unique to the Trump administration.

The president’s choice to replace Pompeo as head of the CIA , Gina Haspel, currently is (a) deputy director of the organization. She apparently had a role in the “torture” of Islamist terrorists devoted to the death of Americans, non-Muslims, and non-like thinking Muslims everywhere.

    While this will play into the hands of the anti-Semites, the Babylonian Talmud2, extrapolating a comment from the Bible3 states: "If a man comes to kill you, rise early and kill him first. " The Islamists made no secret of their hopes to murder people who are not like them.

Sen. McCain already seems to be preparing to pillory Ms. Haspel.

The bottom line to the Tillerson/Pompeo switch is that if the boss is directing the organization (the U.S.) one way, publicly opposing those efforts is going to get someone fired. That’s usually not going to be the boss.

Mr. Tillerson will soon land a situation suitable to a former cabinet secretary.

MEANWHILE, the NY Daily News4 reports that

    President Trump’s personal assistant was fired — escorted from the White House without being allowed to get his coat — and promptly placed on Trump’s campaign team, according to reports.

    John McEntee was dismissed after being denied a security clearance due to financial problems including issues with online gambling and tax problems the Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday.

    But the faithful Trump aide didn’t go far as he was immediately hired by the President’s reelection campaign team.

Apparently, the president stands by people who don’t disagree with him in public.



2. Footnote 18

3. Exodus 22, 1-2


PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

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