Friday, April 27, 2018


Leftists have eyes
That cannot see,
Ears that cannot hear


There are, according to Wikipedia1, at least 45 nations where Muslims are more than 50% of the population; this does NOT include the non-nation “Palestinian Authority.”

From how many countries does President Trump want to place a temporary ban on immigration and visitors?


Contrary to the leftists, the president banned ALL residents of these seven countries from instant visas.2 According to Wikipedia, Muslims – while the majority religion in the seven countries – are not the ONLY people in those countries. Non-Muslims from those countries also are covered by the ban.


The seven countries whose citizens were banned:3

  • Iran (added in 1984), Sudan (1993) and Syria (1979) are the only countries on the U.S. State Department’s list of "state sponsors of terrorism." They were determined by the secretary of state to have "repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism."
  • Iraq, Libya, Somalia and Yemen are on the State Department’s list of "terrorist safe havens" -- where terrorists operate "in relative security." But nine other countries or regions are on the safe havens list, too.

Had the president been “anti-Muslim” (rather than anti-terrorist), the ban would have banned Muslims from each of the 45 countries (and the PA) that have majority Muslim populations.

Or, he could have banned Muslims entry while allowing non-Muslims to enter the U.S. THAT would opened him to a charge of “racism.”

Was Trump the first to ban travelers from these countries?

According to Politifact3,

    The Obama-signed law contains provisions that restrict travel to the United States for people who lived in or visited Iran, Iraq, Sudan, or Syria since March 2011. They must have a visa to enter the United States; they can’t use what is known as the Visa Waiver Program, which allows 90-day U.S. visits to other foreign visitors.

    The law was soon expanded by Obama’s Department of Homeland Security to cover Libya, Somalia, and Yemen. They were identified in the agency’s announcement as "countries of concern," a phrase used in the law.

President Trump’s Executive Order can be read on the Federal Register at

The travel ban issue now is before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Obama-appointee Justice Elena Kagan, who is Jewish, challenged the Trump administration’s lawyer over whether a similar ban on Israelis by an anti-Semitic president would be constitutional.4

    The U.S. already discriminates against Israelis – Jews, Muslims, and Christians. Less blatant than when Trump’s predecessor was in the White House, but Israelis still require a visa to enter the U.S. unlike many “friendly” countries.

According to Wikipedia5,

    Citizens of 38 countries and territories are eligible for visa-free entry into the United States under the Visa Waiver Program (VWP). All of the countries selected by the US government to be in the program are high-income economies with a very high Human Development Index that are generally regarded as developed countries.

How Israel missed the cut is known only in the halls of the notoriously anti-Semitic State Department.

Brunei, with a Muslim population of more than 67%6 is on the VWP list.

It is interesting to note that Morocco is not on either Obama’s or Trump’s list despite the fact that Moroccan Muslims were at the controls of the planes on 9-11-2001 and allegedly have terrorized European communities. Lebanese, despite loss of nationhood to the terrorist group, Hezbollah, and Egyptians, with terrorists at large, are not banned from entry into the U.S.

Obviously, Muslims are not banned from entering the U.S. so claims that the president is an anti-Muslim racist are only in the minds of the leftists. (Where were their cries of racism or Islamophobia when Trump’s predecessor was in the White House doing the same thing? Pots and kettles.)








PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

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