Tuesday, August 28, 2018


To believe pols?

APPARENTLY TODAY’S POLITICIANS think the voters are stupid.

Maybe they are correct.

LOCALLY, we have politicians promising

    * To raise the minimum wage
    * To increase teacher salaries by $10,000, “or more”
    * Add a “billion” to the education budget
    * To impeach Trump
    * To provide healthcare for all
    * Legalize pot
    * Make more restrictive gun laws (fight the NRA)

Interestingly, all the promises are made by liberal Democrats (is there any other kind?) and, equally interesting, none of candidates tells HOW they expect to fund these pie-in-the-sky promises.

On the GOP side, the lone candidate for the U.S. Senate seat cites a single source that claims the Democrat opponent fails to pay Social Security and Medicare benefits to the people working for his campaign.

To be fair -- an oxymoron when discussing politics and politicians -- the Democrat has failed to respond to the attack.

Neither senate candidate is making promises that will cost the taxpayer (more) money. In fact, the Democrat has not advertised at all.

Apparently the GOP hopeful has never heard of “1099s” or “volunteers.” (Maybe no one volunteers for his campaign?)

Having been a “1099,” that’s the tax designation for self-employed people, I know that when I worked as an independent contractor, I was responsible for all my taxes, including Social Security (at 12% rather than a W-2’ 6%) and Medicare.

    Medicare is “funny,” but not “ha ha” funny. You pay into it all of your years of employment and THEN you get to pay again every month as long as you live. Medicare insurers get rich and the insured gets the bill.
If you are wondering about the 12% vs. 6%; the W-2’s employer matches the employee’s 6%.

There is no question that there are far, far too many shootings. Never mind “mass shootings,” although they are headline grabbers (as they should be). Just across the county line, there are drive by shootings almost daily. Unfortunately, someone – often a small child – gets in the way of a stray bullet (or maybe not a stray bullet) and becomes a statistic. Since most of the shootings are black-on-black, the murders don’t rate a visit from the Al Sharptons and Jessie Jacksons seeking yet another 15 minutes of tv face time.

There are enough gun laws in place. They need to be enforced, and the Fibbies need to share their information with the locals. The Fibbies had information that could have prevented the Marjory Stillman Douglas mass shooting. The state has laws to take guns from people who ought not be armed – no matter if they originally legally acquired the weapon.

A few of the liberals want to eliminate the state’s Stand Your Ground law. No doubt it has been abused – in one case the shooter was told by the police NOT to confront a person. He ignored the warning, confronted the person and, in the end, killed him. That is the exception, not the rule. (Stand Your Ground is an extension of the Castle Law.)

I can agree with laws banning fully automatic weapons (and weapons that easily can be made fully automatic) and banning magazines of more than 10 cartridges. If a hunter needs a semi-automatic rifle with a 30-round magazine, what the hunter REALLY needs is a lot of time on the practice range.

I suspect that part of the reason gun owners are digging in their heels against ANY restrictions is because the nation is polarized between liberal and conservative. No one wants to talk – and listen – to the other side.

That’s only partly true. Everyone wants to TALK, but no one wants to listen. It’s too easy to grab a bull horn and shout over others’ voices.

Unfortunately, some people insist on using a “bully pulpit” to abuse anyone with whom they disagree.

The bottom line is that politicians must really think voters are S*T*U*P*I*D.

Maybe they are right.


The talking heads’ Big Story for Monday (8/27) evening is that President Trump has ordered Federal facility flags to half-staff. This is the “leed” for the nightly snooze. The McCain flag status pushes Hawaii out of the news. It pushes California out of the news. It did NOT push McCain’s eulogizers out of the news (two are Democrats and one is an anti-Trump Republican who embarrassed himself on the deck of a Navy carrier).

The “media” is about the only thing that can compare to politicians – both think the American public is stupid beyond measure.

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

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