Monday, September 9, 2019


Gazans escape
To Europe,
Not Arab lands

DEAR “SQUAD” MEMBERS AND FRIENDS, why do Gazans leave the Strip for Europe when they could relocate to

    * PLO-controlled areas of Israel
    * Stay in Egypt from which most of their ancestors came
    * Move to Jordan to be with fellow “Palestinians”
    * Relocate to any Muslim-dominated country in the Middle East or elsewhere in the world?

PERHAPS “THE SQUAD” and their progressive fellow travelers should press the UN to set up special “camps” for refugees from Gaza where they can fester until Hamas is over-thrown by another despotic organization. The UN could guarantee them a “right of return” for all generations to come as it does with its captives of UNRWA camps.

It could revise the textbooks it uses to inflame children to hate and kill Israelis by simply replacing the word “Israel” with “Hamas.” (It probably would like to replace Israel, not just the word.)

How Do Israel Bashers Answer This Question?

Tell me, you ignorant Israel bashers — I cannot bring myself to call them “ladies” — Why are these escapees from the wonderful government on the Strip going to Europe vs. a Muslim country?

There are, after all, many countries where Muslims are in the majority.

According to the Pew Research Center in 2015 there were 50 Muslim-majority countries. (April 2017) identified 45 'Islamic countries'.1

Islamic World (Encyclopaedia Britannica)

According to various sources, the escapees — what other term can be used for people who abandon everything for a better life elsewhere? — typically are well educated; professional people. They apparently have command of more languages that just Egyptian Arabic, and many have been exposed to other cultures (when in school for their professional degrees outside the Strip).

But why go so far — to Europe — rather than to Palestine (a/k/a Jordan) via Egypt? Why not continue to Libya or turn south to Somalia where professionals are sorely needed? Saudia Arabia and the Gulf states are available.

Europe already is over-saturated with Middle Eastern Muslims to the point of a non-Muslim backlash against immigrants. This backlash also works against students who fully intend to return to their home countries. (This accounts for some of the exodus from Hamas and the Strip.) It’s easy to tar a whole people with a single brush because of the actions of some.

A Tale of One Man’s Escape & Death

This small effort was prompted by an Associated Press (AP) news article headlined Gazan's death abroad shines light on middle-class exodus.2

Two paragraphs sum up the article:

    Fed up with the heavy-handed rule of Hamas, al-Sultan braved a treacherous journey in hopes of starting a new life in the West — only to die along the way. His death has drawn attention to the growing exodus of middle-class Gazans who can no longer bear to live in the isolated coastal territory.

    It has also struck a nerve among many Palestinians because he appears to have fled persecution by Hamas, rather than the territory’s dire economic conditions following a 12-year blockade by Israel and Egypt, imposed when the Islamic militant group seized power.

The AP article correctly noted than Egypt also blockaded Gaza but it failed to note that the both countries’ blockades were intermittent and that Israel typically enforces a blockade only after being attacked from Gaza. “Fake news” can be created through omission of facts as well as blatant lies.

Ignorance Is Bliss; Facts, Who Needs’em?

“The Squad” of misled women and the sheeple who foolishly follow them in their pursuit of ignorance — Facts? I don’t need any “facts.” I have my opinion and that is good enough. Facts be damned. — are too busy bashing a country and people about which they have no direct knowledge and promoting a program — BDS — that harms the people for whom they pretend to care, while ignoring the reality of states known for undemocratic and inhumane treatment of the people living in those states.





PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

Comment on Gazans escape

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