Monday, July 27, 2020



TRUE CONFESSION: I CONSIDER MYSELF a more or less conservative. I still walk on the street side of the sidewalk when I stroll with my Spouse. I say “Yes sir” and “Yes ma'am” in response to a question, regardless of the inquisitor’s age, sex, or race, and I think my home is my castle. I believe in law and order and I am ashamed by rogue cops and bullies in general.

I normally vote a “split ticket,” making my mark for the candidate I consider most qualified for the job, regardless of sex, race, or political party.

But some people who try to pass as “conservatives” embarrass me.

This morning I saw a fellow with a TRUMP baseball cap telling a “reporter” that “no one is going to make ME wear a mask.”

My immediate reaction cannot be recorded in this family blog.

My second reaction was to call the guy a (potential) murderer.

I have seen too many people with MAGA or Trump baseball caps going around bare faced. (I remember when “bare faced” was followed by “lie” or “liar.” It seems appropriate for these pseudo-conservatives.)

I blame these scofflaws on Trump who, for a very long time, paraded around sans mask.

Worse, he encouraged disregard of social distancing.

I would expect that of a “progressive” who feels he, or she, is “entitled” to do whatever pleases them whenever it pleases them.

But a person claiming to be a (political) conservative?


Admittedly, I am a geezer and I have “underlying health issues.”

My First Born is a Law Enforcement Officer, a LEO, and while he no longer is a beat cop, he has friends who are on the street.

OK, so you prefer the anarchy of the so-called Black Lives Matter rioters.

Why would you want to infect your fellow rioters — regardless of your political position — with a disease that can prove fatal?

    I use the term “Black Lives Matter” with the caveat that too many people — black, white, brown, and “other” — are using a black’s death as an excuse to destroy America and as a springboard for anti-Semitism.

    Floyd’s death was unfortunate. The cop who had his knee on Floyd is charged with murder and, hopefully, will receive a fair trail and, if found guilty, be sentenced accordingly.

    That won’t bring Floyd back.

    Neither will rioting and anarchy.

    Last night in Dade County (Miami) Florida, a black infant was shot by another black person. Elsewhere in the county, more blacks were shot and killed by other blacks. All in ONE NIGHT. Unfortunately, this is a fact of life (and death) in many black communities. Where are the protests against blacks killing blacks?

Florida now has the unfortunate distinction of having — after California — the second highest rate of COVID-19 — the Chinese virus, Trump is right — in the country.

Dade County leads the state.

Dade County has passed emergency measures making it a crime to go out in public sans a mask. The first offense, if found guilty in a court, is a $100 fine. The fine increases if/as the scofflaw continues to disregard the law and his, or her, fellow humans’ health.

I’m sure the “progressives” will find my suggestion on how to handle these potential murderers offensive, but rather than give a citation to appear in court, take the offender into custody and place the offender in a cell with others who also refuse to wear a mask. Let them infect each other.

Political stupidity.

When the Chinese virus first got our attention, the “leaders” of Dade County took over a public building and set it up to handle masses of infected citizens and non-citizens (South Florida became a preferred destination for infected New Yorkers and Florida’s {Republican} governor did nothing to stop the influx of carriers). When the threat of mass hospitalizations subsided, the building was closed.

Now, area hospitals are at near capacity and the same “leaders” — following their peers in Chelm1 — allow the facility to remain shuttered.

A true conservative NEVER would endanger another person’s life in such a callous, cavalier fashion.

Granted, the masks can be uncomfortable — they are poorly designed and hurt the ears — and they do make it harder to breathe, especially in summer’s heat, and they can muffle the voice.

Masks need to be washed or replaced frequently.

BUT, masks and “social distancing” DO reduce transmission of the virus.

Masks are a small price to pay to be socially responsible.

Unconstitutional? That may be a matter for the courts. In the meantime, it IS against the law in Dade County to go about sans face covering. More than that, it is a violation of common sense.

If you insist on going about bare faced, take off your MAGA and TRUMP hats. Stop embarrassing true conservatives.




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