Thursday, August 19, 2021


Media giants invited
To assign reporters
To Hamas target areas

THIS IS A SPECIAL INVITATION to reporters and photographers employed by The Major Media Outlets, e.g.,





    LA Times


    NY Times

    The Guardian

    Washington Post

to name but a few of the purveyors of half truths and outright lies to come to Israel and set up shop close to the Gaza border.


If that is too close for comfort, let them rent quarters in Ashkelon, Ashdod, Holon, even Tel Aviv.

I might even be willing to let a reporter stay in our guest room in Yavne, but he — or she — will not have safe room privileges.

The reporter then can get a feel for what Israelis already know.

The sirens.

The booms.

The falling debris if the Iron Dome takes out a missile, or the explosion as a missile hits if the Iron Dome somehow misses its target.

The terrified children and pets.

The traumatized adults.

The reporter can sit on the balcony and watch for unguided missiles from Gaza.

Perhaps the reporter’s credentials and PRESS vest will offer all needed protection.

    An aside.

    When I was in elementary school, we had bomb drills because “The Russians are coming” with atomic weapons.

    In Indiana, we raced — I tumbled — down flights of stairs to the basement.

    In Florida, we hid under our desks, as if THAT would do any good.

    We built and stocked bomb shelters where we could.

    Later, in Israel I learned that my new pals from the Ukraine were doing basically the same thing because “The Americans are coming.”

    In America I was a reporter and editor. When something happened, good or bad, I had to be in the thick of things. Foolish? Perhaps.

    But I reported from “Ground Zero.”

    That’s all I am asking of the reporters and photographers covering Gaza’s terror attacks.


It is my understanding that reporters and photographers in Gaza have their work heavily censored. If they displease the powers that be, they will be prevented from transmitting their copy to “the world.”

I have no doubt that Israeli censors can be as severe, but Israel is not known for abusing media people, even those biased against Israel.

Moreover, a reporter or photographer can trot his or her stuff to an embassy or consulate representing the employer’s country and file from there.

Few countries have a diplomatic presence in Gaza.

Hamas and “friends” have reporters who see Hamas (and Islamic Jihad and …) in action.

They might even see missiles being removed from UN schools and hospitals and fired from heavily populated civilian areas.

They might even report on these things assuming they get out of Gaza with their stories and photos and assuming they won’t have to go back into Gaza.

It is bad enough when people who never have BEEN to Israel repeat lies about the country, but when reporters and photographers fail to report accurately what is transpiring — they may as well be on Hamas’ payroll.

Some reporters and photographers try to be fair, but editorial boards often demand that material be slanted to suit management’s political point of view.

Hitler (left) and Goebbels (right): infamous liars




PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

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