Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Form letters:
Everything answer

THE JUSTIFIABLE FLAP OVER separating children from their criminal (illegal alien) parents has politicians on both the left and the right demanding change.

Children, in this scrivener’s opinion, deserve to be with their parents – both parents if they have them.

ON THE OTHER HAND, children and parents are separated every day when the parents are charged with a crime. In most cases, the State turns the children over to a close relative until the parents are tried and found innocent and released. If the parents are guilty, then the children might stay with the relative or be put into the State’s child protection system.

Unfortunately for the children of illegal immigrants, a close legal relative may be hard to find.


I wrote to three local politicians suggesting the same thing:

    Put BOTH the parents AND the children at BRAC-closed military installations that have not been taken over by civilian devlopers.

The bases have the infrastructure to support the as yet untried illegals AND their children.


  • The bases can be secured; the government is housing the illegals and their children in secure facilities now, so no additional expense
  • The bases have kitchens to feed the illegals; the government is feeding them anyway, so no additional expense
  • The bases have medical facilities; the government is providing medical care for the illegals anyway, so no additional expense
  • The bases have housing, both residential for married personnel and barracks for unmarried personnel; replace “personnel” with “illegals” and you populate the housing. Since the illegals have to be housed anyway, no additional expense.
  • The bases have recreational facilities and day rooms – just like jails; again, no additional expense.
  • Finally, the bases have on-site detention facilities for those illegals who commit other crimes, both violent and non-violent. Guess what: no additional expense.

I know this because as a young airman I was stationed at several different bases in several different locations.

*   *   *

I made my suggestion on how to keep families together while still maintaining security – keeping the illegals under watch until their INS hearings.

I sent emails to

    Rep. Wasserman-Schultz Sen. Bill Nelson Sen. Marco Rubio

I received “responses” from all three. (I was unable to contact others, including Rep. Carlos Curbelo who manages a lot of “face time” before the media, because if a person doesn’t live in the congress person’s district, their emails are rejected and snail mails go unread. It wasn’t always like that.)

The responses proved that the hangers on who handle the politicians’ mail didn’t bother to read and understand the contents of my email; basically what appears above. Sen. Nelson’s people managed to at least comprehend the general topic, but obviously failed to go beyond the email form’s category.

It is unfortunate that President Trump, (in)famous for his knee-jerk tweets, apparently has surrounded himself with like-minded knee-jerkers.

Did EVERYONE fail to recognize the fallout from the mass separation of children from their criminal parents?

Make no mistake, the parents who brought their children illegally into the U.S. ARE criminals; they were “caught in the act.”

Never mind that a few children are separated from their parents every day when the parents are incarcerated for (allegedly) committing crimes; the hue and cry is being raised because of the VOLUME of separations. That and the fact that the separations are being orchestrated by the INS, a federal government agency. Read “Blame it on Trump”.”

Apparently no one in Washington considered the the PR fall-out. In politics, image is everything. For the current administration, assailed by the leftist without interruption from the first primary until today (6/20/18), this is just another day in the media, but a particularly bad one.

What President Trump needs on his staff is a person who THINKS and has undeniable access to the president, a person (such as an Enterprise Risk Management practitioner) who looks at all possibilities related to a presidential fiat and recommends means to avoid or mitigate the public’s reaction. Someone who thinks, excuse the cliche, “outside the box”; someone who plays the “What if?” game.

A well thought out plan might have avoided much of the anti-Trump rhetoric from sources other than Hillary and her leftist sycophants for whom Republicans in general (save for John McCain) and Trump specifically can do nothing right in their eyes.

While the leftists will chastise and castigate the administration no matter what it does, much of the uproar over separation of children from parents could have, should have, been avoided by a little foresight on the part of someone, anyone, who (a) thinks and (b) has access to the president.

Again, it is Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to separate children from criminal parents. When that becomes necessary, the children are sent to a relative or become (temporary) wards of the State.

The difference here is the sheer volume of illegal aliens who ARE guilty – caught in the act – who brought their children into the country, perhaps hoping for leftist sympathy (which they have).

For all that, there was, and is, no reason to separate the children from their parents.

Indeed, the separation is contra-indicated since both the children and their parents should be deported. Keeping everyone together makes the deportation process simpler for all concerned.

Open the bases.

House the criminals and their children on the bases and provide them with all the things they are being provided separately.

Fingerprint and photograph both parents and children and ban all from ever entering the U.S. again.

Then put them on a bus or military plane back to their country of origin (unless they can prove they would be in danger; then deport them to another country in Latin America).

DO NOT DEPORT PARENTS SANS THEIR CHILDREN. Keep families together. Deport them together.

This will NOT make the leftists happy, but it is humane and it does keep families united.

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

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