Tuesday, June 19, 2018


Former CIA boss
Proves “intelligence”
Is lacking in makeup

FORMER USAF GENERAL AND EX-CIA BOSS in a tweet, compared the Trump administration’s immigration policies to nazi Germany.1

The man, who claims to have walked the tracks leading to Poland’s most infamous murder camp, claims that the administration's immigration policies are similar to the nazi’s extermination policies.

Michael Hayden equates the nazi’s separating able bodied men and women from the sick and elderly as the same as separation of children – victims of their parents illegal entry into the U.S. -- with mass murderers.

With his lack of knowledge of history it’s hard to see how he became boss of the CIA. (Having been in the Air Force, I understand his rise to four-star.)

Under President Trump’s anti-invasion by illegals into the U.S., parents ARE separated from their children.


The parents are jailed prior to a hearing.

    Why not let the parents free on their own recognizance? Stupid question. They have no reason to return to a hearing; they have no connection to the location or to the U.S.; “flight risk” is an understatement.

The government could put the children into the California child welfare system, but the left-wing California state government won’t accept the responsibility. Rather California supports “sanctuary cities” where criminals – for that’s what illegal aliens are, criminals – can find refuge.

Instead, the Federal government has set up camps for the children. So far, the camps have been in real, brick-and-mortar buildings, but the Left already is claiming that children soon will be housed in tents. As a small child I went to summer camp in northern Indiana and slept on a cot under a leaky canvass tent. No A/C. Not only did campers have to make a 40-yard dash to an outhouse, one year the campers helped move the outhouse from hole to hole. No one thought it child abuse. We swam in a fresh water lake with fish and the occasional water moccasin – no chlorinated pools for us. Still, better than Obama’s chicken cages for children.

In contrast to the Obama-era images, above, go to the EBL news video at https://youtu.be/p7m2UCaoMcU to see a video of how campers are treated by the government Hayden equates with nazis.

The children – as a CNN (!) tv report clearly showed – are

    receive medical care,
    and play.

Hardly Auschwitz-Birkenau.2

Apparently the former intelligence chief fails to comprehend something that simple.

*   *   *

The Alternatives

1. Put the children in jail with their parents.

    Before the far left screams “inhumane,” there IS an alternative to the cross bar hotel.

    During World War 2, Democrat then president Franklin Delano Roosevelt interned Japanese Americans in concentration (look up the word “concentration”) camps in several locations across the U.S. FDR also interned – albeit in much smaller numbers, a few German-Americans and Italian-Americans. Note the “-Americans” in the identities.

    FDR also set up a prison camp for German POWs near Stockton CA where, history records, they were well received by the local population.

    The Federal government could reopen one or more military bases closed by BRAC. The bases have housing – both family and barracks for singles – medical and educational facilities and kitchens and “mess” halls. (“Mess” is a military term, not to be confused with “mess” as in what pre-kindergarten children manage to do so well. )

    According to tv “news” on 6/19/18, the Feds already are using some bases to house juveniles only.

    The bases also have – albeit mostly of limited capacity – jails for miscreants.

2. Put the illegals – adults and children --on buses and send them back to the border.

    Each criminal – adult and child – would be finger printed and photographed and sent on his or her way. INS would log the information and mark these people as forever banned from entering the U.S. – not as legal immigrants and not as visitors.

    But they never would see Disneyland.

    Not such a big deal. It’s over-priced anyway. Even former Soviet Premier Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev was prevented from visiting the mouse house.3

    It might be better to put the illegals on Air Force C-5s and fly them back to their country of origin. That way, guys bucking for Command Pilot wings and four stars could get their flight hours in. The C-5s are may steps up from the U.S. and English transport planes that brought in more than 51,000 Jews from Aden (500), Djibouti and Eritrea (500), Saudi Arabia (2,000), and Yemen (47,000) .4 Israeli C-130s and Boeing 747s, a step up from the transports used for the previous airlift, but still hardly a C-5, brought in 14,325 Ethiopian Jews to Israel in 36 hours.5 For what it’s worth, I have flown in WW2 DC-3s (C-47s) and C-119s, C-130s, L-1011s, and even an L-16, albeit the L-16 is only a two-seater.

Why immigration?

Why would anyone want to immigrate to the U.S. So many Americans, including many Hollywood stars and media “personalities,” promised to leave the country if Donald Trump was elected president. Unfortunately, almost to a person they reneged.

People come to the U.S. for opportunity.

That always has been the reason.

The U.S. has, for decades, limited immigration with quotas. Right or wrong, that is how the process works.

Illegal immigrants are like people who push into queues; they take the place of people who made the effort to get in line early; to wait patiently.

These are not people who will make good citizens.

Neither are the people who hire them, often for well below minimum wage,; people who hide them (they, too, are criminals and should be arrested and jailed or, if appropriate, deported).

It is human nature – not limited to illegal aliens – that, when starving, people commit crimes to survive.

Unless the criminals rounded up by or for INS are released from incarceration they will need to

    a. Return from whence they came, with family or
    b. Commit additional crimes to survive.

I am not of the opinion that all immigrants are threats to the nation. I am of the opinion that all potential immigrants be thoroughly vetted. The same applies to people issued visas for any reason.

Leftists will call me cruel and inhumane, but I suggest opening the borders to people who break into line will in the end result in a rise in crime as the illegals try to survive. I fear that the crimes will escalate to levels that will require long-term incarceration and more families living on the dole.

Is that really what the leftists want?

So it seems.


1. http://tinyurl.com/yc2p3m8b

2. http://auschwitz.org/en/history/

3. http://tinyurl.com/ybovzx6p

4. http://tinyurl.com/y9ow6rrm

5. http://tinyurl.com/y8rhasyo

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

Comments on U.S. = nazis?

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