Thursday, March 7, 2019


Dems quandary:
Condemn bigotry
Or protect bigots

THERE IS AN AMAZING ARTICLE on the NBC “News” site ( that includes a video of MSNBC’s Meet The Press host Chuck Todd talking about ”us Democrats” in the first 5 seconds of the clip. (I had to listen to it twice to believe my ears; not that Todd is a Democrat but that he admits it; so much for impartiality.)

The article is about the Democrats quandary: Do they

    * Condemn anti-Semitism, without, of course, mentioning any Democrat by name or
    * Do they opt for an all inclusive condemnation of ALL derogatory remarks about everyone, or
    * Do they manage to let the whole issue die sans any useless words on paper?

Interestingly, the Black Caucus is against a resolution and, if MSNBC is to be believed, progressive members and the Congressional Black Caucus have come to Omar’s defense. “We also stand united against Islamophobia and I think we want to make sure that we express all the pieces of bigotry and racism that are happening,” Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., said.

Who mentioned "Islamophobia"? The issue is anti-Semetic remarks by House members.

Interesting because blacks were long discriminated against in the U.S. and, also interesting, because liberal Jews were some of the black empowerment movements’ strongest, most vocal, and most visible supporters.

While many suggest the Democrat party is in disarray, “I don’t accept the premise that we’re divided,” said Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., the Democratic Caucus Chair. “We are untied around the fact that we’re going to continue to fight for the people. That’s what we’re united around.”

Apparently “the people” is a select group that omits Jews since the Democrats seem focused on “Islamophobia” based, it seems, because of anti-Semitic remarks coming from Muslim members of the House.

Have any observant Jews in Congress said anything “anti-Muslim?”

MSNBC reports that the anti-Semitism resolution was supposed to be voted on this week but it's still unclear when it will be brought to the floor as members are still trying to reach consensus. Some Jewish members are demanding a vote on a resolution denouncing anti-Semitism similar to the one previously offered by Republicans and passed after Rep. Omar made other controversial remarks about Jewish influence in politics.

To this scrivener, a resolution against anti-Semtisim is

    * A waste of time; it means nothing to anti-Semites, and
    * It encourages anti-Semitism by ignoring all other “anti-” and “phobias” (e.g., anti-black, anti-Latino, Islamophobia, homophobia).

Our modified Constitution is replete with amendments protecting this group or that from discrimination when, in my opinion, only one amendment was necessary: Discrimination of any type against anyone is prohibited and violators will be prosecuted.


Civility is apparently is not a common factor with the Democrats.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., who was admonished in January for saying at a private gathering that the House was going to “impeach the mother f---er,” held a rally on Capitol Hill with activists on Wednesday pushing for immediate impeachment proceedings. "We saw record turnout in an election year where people wanted to elect the jury that would begin the impeachment proceedings to Donald Trump," she said.

Unless her constituents are one-issue voters, Ms. Tlaib is doing them a disservice by focusing all her energy on an impeachment effort that is bound to fail.


I’ve always wondered why Jews are loyal to the Democrat party; many hailed Franklin Delano Roosevelt as a minor god, although he did nothing for the Jews. The same applies to John F. Kennedy held in the same high esteem by blacks, for whom he did nothing. (Harry S Truman integrated the armed forces; Dwight D. Eisenhower integrated the schools, and Lyndon B. Johnson created Head Start.)

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

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