Sunday, March 31, 2019


And the PLO

WHY IS IT LEFTISTS IN THE U.S. tell Israel to let the PLO terrorists return to Israel yet they say nothing about American Indians.

    *   The United States stole land from the American Indians.

    *   The United States repeatedly lied to the American Indians.

    *   The United States forced the American Indians into ghettos.

    *   The United States forced the American Indians to give up their languages.

    By contrast, MOST of the so-called “Palestinians” left Israel on instruction from their religious leadership and Muslim politicians. (True, some were forced out in fear they would be a “fifth column” within Israel.)

    With the exception of Manhattan New York, allegedly “sold” to the Europeans for a bunch of trinkets, all the land on which the American Indians lived was taken from them by force.

    One of the worst cases was the forced relocation of Cherokee Indians from their ancestral home in Georgia and force marched to the west.

    The Cherokee had an established government, a written language – yet, because some European though there was gold under the land, the U.S. Army marched men, women, and children across the country.1, 2


    Partial Trail of Tears Map Source:


    This was in preparation for Democrat Franklin Roosevelt’s forced internment of Japanese-Americans and a few Germans and Italians during World War 2.

    American Indians in the western states were promised land where they could live and hunt in exchange for being pushed off their ancestral lands so Europeans could build cities and fence off land for their own use.

    Not only were the Indians driven off their lands, but the settlers hated the people from whom they stole the land. Because they were not Europeans, the native Americans were considered savages and sub-human to be killed as animals.

    Unfortunately for the Indians, wealth was discovered on the land the U.S. promised them and they were forced to move again, this time to smaller reservations. Good Christians forced the Indians to abandon their religion and language in favor of the invaders’ religion and language. The government also forced the Indians to go on the dole, and then often cheated them of what little the government had promised.

    The American Indians did not provoke war with the Europeans until the Europeans attempted to deprive them of their land.




    In Israel, Jews, and non-Jews, i.e. Muslims, Christians, and sundry others, have equal freedom. While there ARE communities based on religion or ethnicity, these primarily are voluntarily populated by like-minded people. That is human nature.

    The Muslims living under PLO rule are taught to hate Israelis specifically and Jews generally, and to a lesser extant, anyone who is not Muslim. PLO Muslims face the death penalaty for selling land to a Jew; not so in Israel. Jews in Israel are not taught hatred, at least not by the government.

      I briefly taught school in Zefat in northern Israel.
    Some Muslims who fled Israel, due to fear or by encouragement from Muslim religious or political leaders, ended up in UN-sponsored welfare camps. Muslims who wanted to leave a camp, could leave a camp, unlike the American Indians who were hunted down if they escaped from the reservation.

    PLO Muslims can travel wherever they are welcome, via Israel air and sea ports or via Jordan or Egypt — when Egypt allows Muslims in Gaza to cross its border, closed more often to them that Israel’s border.

    Most American Indians, contrary to tv westerns, did not attack European settlers, unlike the Muslims of the PLO and Gaza who believe dying while killing a Jew will gain for them 70 virgins. (I never figured out what a female martyr can expect.)




    It’s time for America’s leftists to look at their own country.

    Is everything so perfect here that they have to demonize Israel?

    And why only Israel? The rest of the world if fine? What about Somalia (and Boko Haram). What about ISIS (by any name) and the Islamic Brotherhood that attack indiscriminately around the world? What about the lack of freedoms in Saudi Arabia, China, and North Korea, to name just three countries notorious for their abuse of American-style civil rights?

    America’s liberals can’t see because of the mote in one eye and myopia in the other.

    Leftists — work to make America a better country for ALL Americans.

    Take time out from bashing Israel and Donald Trump.

    If you want to live in America, work to improve life for all Americans; once America is perfected, THEN go on to other countries.

    On the other hand, if you don’t CARE about America, leave.

    Move to a country where the PLO is in charge. Move to Saudi Arabia or China or even North Korea. You can emigrate to Europe for socialized medicine (and take Bernie Sanders with you, he is, after all, a socialist).

    The border is open for all leftists who loudly bawled “If Trump is elected, I’ll leave the country.” No one is stopping you.

    The Democrat darling with feet of clay, John Kennedy, admonished Americans to ask what they could do for their country.

    His call for action is valid even today.

    What I fail to comprehend is why the leftists prefer to attack Israel and, with the likes of Ilhan Omar in Congress, American Jews.

      First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
      Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
      Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
      Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
      Martin Niemöller (


    Trail of Tears Map Source:



    1. A Brief History of the Trail of Tears

    2. Trail of Tears

    PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

    Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

    Comments on Leftists

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