Tuesday, April 9, 2019


Every Muslim
Has web feet

I READ IN A VARIETY of publications that Israel is an apartheid state, that it mistreats and maltreats Arab children and women, that Arabs are second class citizens with no civil rights.

That is akin to saying every Muslim has webbed feet.

I have two words for that nonsense:


HAVING LIVED IN ISRAEL and frequently visiting Israel, I know the leftists in the U.S. (and elsewhere) don’t know anything first hand about Israel or Israeli Arabs (Muslim and otherwise) and they know even less about life for Muslims in areas controlled by the PLO and Hamas.

It is patently obvious that these anti-Israel (or maybe just anti-Semitic) comments are from people who NEVER have been to Israel, and certainly not to areas controlled by the PLO or Hamas.




A few years ago I was visiting a sister-in-law who lives near Haifa.

Her husband decided we would have an outing to a popular local beach.

This DESPITE the fact Haifa was under missile attack from our neighbors to the north. (Missiles from Lebanon and Syria are a fact of life in northern Israel.)

As we ate sandwiches and people watched, we saw an elderly woman dressed in Muslim garb walking along the beach with her children and grandchildren.

Were they physically attacked by those horrible Jews?


Were they confronted and verbally attacked by those Israelis?

Again, no.

The Muslims — again, while missiles fell on Haifa — were allowed to peacefully stroll along the beach, unmolested by anyone.

My late Father-In-Law came to Israel from Morocco. While the king protected the Jews — as he protected ALL his citizens — there were Muslims who “didn’t get the word” and made life difficult for Jews.

Yet, when Father-In-Law had a building project in Israel, he hired local Arabs.

There are no “Muslim-free” zones in Israel; unlike in the territories controlled by the PLO and Hamas, areas where a Jew travels on pain of death.

There are no “Arab only” buses or trains in Israel. There ARE Arab buses that Jews can ride — I did on occasion — and many intercity taxis are owned and driven by Arabs. Any Arabic I know I learned from riding in the taxis.

Yes, there IS a fence making it difficult for someone in a PLO area to enter Israel proper, but consider the reason for the fence: to keep Muslims bent on murdering Jews away.

(Only Gandhi was so stupid as to suggest to Jews that they should go quietly to be slaughtered. He also told the English to welcome the nazis to their little island. Neither the Jews nor the English took his misguided advice.)

By the way, I have witnessed obviously Arab families pass through airport inspections faster than some Jews. Once, when my Spouse was five months pregnant with our second son, she was taken aside and patted down to assure she was pregnant and not carrying explosives.




A Muslim — any Muslim — can earn more money in Israel than he or she can earn in either the PLO territory or in Gaza.

SodaStream had a factory near the PLO area and hired many Muslims from the area. The Muslims worked alongside Jews and were paid the same as Jews. Everyone was happy until BDSers forced SodaStream to relocate. The Muslims from the PLO areas lost their jobs; the Jews could relocate. (Now Bedo have jobs that once belonged to PLO area residents.)

Muslims from the PLO area make up a large, albeit shrinking, portion of the construction force in Israel. (More and more Israeli construction companies are hiring foreign laborers who don’t want to murder Israelis. By killing Israelis, the Muslims are killing their job opportunities. But that’s OK; the PLO will give murders a salary while in jail.)

One of Israel’s largest supermarket chains, Rami Levy, makes a point to hire Arabs in all its stores. They are paid the same as Jewish workers doing the same job. It’s good for business since his customers include both Israelis and residents from the PLO areas. (See http://tinyurl.com/yxd7q8qy )




There IS segregation in Israel.

Muslims have their own schools, just as the “religious” have their own schools. Arab schools teach Israeli curriculum, but the language of instruction is Arabic, not Hebrew. They do NOT teach hatred of anyone, unlike the schools in the PLO areas and Gaza, where K-through-12 students are indoctrinated to hate Jews. Muslim schools, the “religious” schools, and the “general” schools all are funded by the Israeli taxpayer.

Any other segregation is by choice.

There is NO segregation in Israeli hospitals.

Muslims ARE exempt from military service, but they are encouraged to do national service, often in their own communities.




What country would tolerate political parties that promote destruction of the state they are supposed to serve?

Would even Franklin D. Roosevelt have allowed a nazi party member to sit in Congress?

Would John F. Kennedy have allowed an avowed Communist to be a member of Congress?

Israel, on the other hand, has several Muslim political parties (and Communists, too). There are a handful of Muslims in the Knesset (equates to Congress) that, rather than work for their Muslim constituents, work to overthrow the Israeli government. (Muslims also can be members of non-Muslim political parties and they may vote for any party.)

Muslims also serve on the Israeli Supreme Court. Could a Jew serve on Saudi Arabia’s Supreme Court, assuming it HAD a Supreme Court.




Rather than go to Israel to see for themselves, leftist, anti-Semite ignoramuses swallow whatever nonsense other leftist, anti-Semite ignoramuses feed them. Thinking for themselves would hurt their head. Listening to people who know, first hand, about life in Israel and in both the PLO-controlled areas and Gaza is a waste of time; they would hear things they don’t want to hear; they would hear the truth. Never, NEVER, NEVER go see first hand.

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

Comments on Muslims have webbed feet

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