Friday, April 12, 2019


Dear Ilhan and
Other Jew haters,
Read Arab’s critique

A Saudi Arabian PhD student wrote on his evaluation form: “Prior to the trip, I had an opinion that Arabs and non-Jewish people in Israel are treated unequally; however I was happy to see that most of them are living normal lives, going to university, owning businesses, having the right to express their religious and personal beliefs.”

The PhD candidate was one of 52 undergraduate and graduate students from Imperial College London who were in Israel getting acquainted with the local high-tech scene.

IT MAY COME AS A SURPRISE to Rep. Ilhan Omar & her like-minded friends, that EVEN Muslims acknowledge that Israel offers equal opportunities to ALL its citizens.

Had she done her homework and visited Israel — there are multiple congressional junkets each year … they beat working for the back home constituency and it’s all on the taxpayer’s tab — she could see for herself what the PhD candidate saw. She might also visit Gaza and the PLO-controlled areas.

Israel, given her on-going rants and lies about Jews and Israel, may not allow her to enter the country. That, I think, would be a mistake on Israel’s part. Let her in, give her an Arab escort — surely there must be a few Somalis in Israel — so she can see for herself. Israel, similar to the U.S. has been inundated by illegal aliens and, again as in the U.S., the Supreme Court consistently rules in favor of the illegals.

Let the Muslim representatives come as a group; let them bring their leftist congressional compatriots as well.

On their way to Israel, maybe the travelers can stretch their legs in Libya, a shining example of Obama’s “Arab Spring.”

The Muslims in the contingent might, after visiting Israel, visit Saudi Arabia and maybe even Yemen.

In Saudi Arab the ladies will need a change of clothes or risk being caned in public. Western dress and uncovered heads will bring the wrath of mutawa (“religious” police). 1, 2, 3 A whipping might be the result of being immodesty dressed.


Above: Woman being caned for violating an Islamic law

Fortunately for women in Israel, that does NOT occur in Israel; not even to Muslim women.


Above, Ilhan Omar & friends


The congressional junketeers could buy property in Israel. Only Muslims are allowed to buy property in Gaza and the PLO-controlled areas. Selling to a non-Muslim carries a possible death penalty.

If Omar et al can get into Gaza, maybe they will have an opportunity to shop in the strips first class mall. They probably will see homes of the poor, but it is less likely they will visit the homes of Hamas’ leadership.

It they have time in Israel, the congressional tourists might go shopping in a Rami Levy supermarket where, unless they close their eyes, they will see Arab and Jews working side by side. If they ask how much each makes for the same job, they will learn the answer is “equal pay for equal work.”

At the same time, if they could interview former SodaStream workers from the PLO-controlled areas they might find some unhappy Arabs. The “equal pay for equal work” they enjoyed while employed by SodaStream is gone, thanks to BDS. The Jews who worked for SodaStream could simply relocate with the company.

Omar and her ilk SHOULD be allowed to enter Israel, on the proviso that they also visit both Gaza and the PLO-occupied territories.

Will it happen?

Not likely.

When an ignoramus makes up his or her mind, even seeing facts in front of their faces will not bring about a change.

Hate is a wonderful thing: Haters don’t have to think about the truth; they don’t have to listen to the truth, and they certainly don’t have to see the truth.

All American Jews are loyal to Israel.

True or false?

Absolutely false, especially when you ask a self-hating Jew in the leftists’ camp.





PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

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