Sunday, July 28, 2019


Racist !
Xenophobe !

THE MEDIA AND DEMOCRATS in Congress are proving they missed out on Vocabulary 101 in elementary (a/k/a primary) school.

For example: Anyone who says anything about a “person of color” is a racist.

    I was mugged.

    The police ask me to describe the attacker.

    I cannot.

    If I report that I was attacked by a man, that is sexist, so I cannot use that descriptive.

    If I report that I was attacked by a “person of color” (e.g., anyone other than a Caucasian) that’s racist. (Could I tell the Oriental cop that a “person of color” came to my aid? Or is that, too, racist?)

    Define “racist.”


    Above image from Merriam-Webster 1


    THERE IS NO question that the president is “thin skinned” and that his tweets are, more often than not, a knee-jerk reaction to taunts from Democrats still smarting from Hillary’s defeat.

    But “racist”?

    True he suggested that at least four of his tormentors should go “back where they came from.” One of his loudest detractors was rescued by America from civil strife in Somalia; the remaining three members of “The Squad” are U.S. citizens by birth, but they should be removed from the House and sent back to their congressional districts as simple citizens.

    These women, calling them “ladies” is more than I can manage, have abused the office in most unladylike terms — at least in language that this geezer find inappropriate. So much for the “gentler sex.”

    Or is that sexist?

    The president might be labeled “xenophobic,” but given how he treats legally admitted foreigners and people from different cultures — he manages to deal with North Korea’s dictator — and finally strangers. According to the Dictionary.com2 as shown in the following image.



    The president seems to do well with leaders from many countries. So far I have not heard of him inviting someone to a state dinner and then not showing (a la Obama and Netanyahu).

    If I am not mistaken, the current Mrs. Trump is a naturalized American.

    With the exception of the negative Washington Post that headlined What Trump has not done for African-Americans and Hispanics, most web sites credit the president for doing a good job for blacks — hardly the mark of a racist.

      I was unable to read the WashPost article so my assumption is based on the headline. Sites that acknowledge Trump’s efforts include
      Voters Say Trump Better for Blacks Than Obama, But More Is Needed3
      Alveda King: Trump has done more for African Americans than Biden4
      Trump's real record on race may surprise you5

    There is no argument that the president has tried, and been repeatedly thwarted by Democrats in the House, to reduce the influx of illegal immigrants entering the U.S. from Mexico (and points south).

      It is worth noting that Trump’s predecessor gave Mexico US$75 million to help it control illegal immigration from countries to Mexico’s south. No complaints from the media or Congress for that use of taxpayer dollars.6

      It is my opinion that in conjunction with that the Feds ought to crack down on the people hiring the illegals at sub-standard wages. Make hiring an illegal alien an offense with real teeth — $10,000 fines per illegal AND no less than 90 days at the country farm (jail where inmates are expected to work). Failure to provide an I-9 form for each employee already is a Federal crime with stiff penalties.7

      Between what Trump has done for blacks and the reason behind the clamp down on illegal aliens, it is hard to charge the president with either racism or xenophobia.


      That also “doesn’t wash.”

      He DID try to restrict unlimited access of all citizens from seven predominately Muslim countries. He did try to insist on strict vetting of these citizens. (His predecessor had put similar vetting requirements in place, but no one complained.)

      There are 50 Muslim dominated countries around the globe.8 Trump was concerned with only seven.

        Unlike Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Trump has NOT refused sanctuary to any Muslims who might be headed to a death camp9

        While Trump HAS put illegals in camps, FDR put American citizens into concentration camps. Who ordered the current separation of families is open to debate; it should not have happened, but when children are sent into a country illegally or abandoned by their parents, what are the options?


      Trump’s biggest problem is finding someone to rein in his tweeting. His reaction to the Democrats’ constant baiting only encourages additional attacks.

      Restraint on the president’s part will gain respect both for the man and the office while showing the ignorance of his attackers.


      Cartoon by Bruce Plante in the Tulsa (OK) World July 6, 2017





      3. Rasmussen Reports,

      4. Des Moines Register,

      5. Chicago Tribune,

      6. Mexican wall,

      7. U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement,

      8. Muslim countries,

      9. FDR & death camps,

      PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

      Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

      Comments on Trump’s “Racism”

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