Sunday, August 25, 2019


Car in space marked
For disabled person,

I HAVE A HANDICAPPED OR DISABLED hang tag (right) due to being “mobility disadvantaged.” In other words, I don’t walk well; I’m handicapped and I don’t care if that’s “PC” or not.

There are lots of people who, apparently, have non-visible handicaps. Some, people with breathing problems, deserve to park close to the their destination.

Some, less generously, are only mentally handicapped; they are inconsiderate of truly handicapped people.

IT IS BAD ENOUGH watching a person with a hang tag walk, sans apparent disability, to his or her destination.

Even if the person can run a 15K marathon, that hang tag protects them from getting a ticket and possible $250 fine.

    I learned this in Norfolk VA when a cop was about to write a citation and the vehicle’s driver produced a hang tag — a tag that was not hung.

I would LIKE to confront the apparently healthy individuals, but the risk to MY welfare is too great.

In Florida a man had words with a woman driver while her husband/boyfriend/kin was in a quickie mart. The woman’s husband etc. came out and took physical issue with the person chastising his — let’s all her his “partner” as a catch-all term. He pushed the complainer to the ground at which point the complainer pulled out a handgun and shot (and killed) the woman’s partner.

The shooter is claiming he’s covered by Florida’s Stand Your Ground law.

Whether the shooting was legal or not — and there is some evidence that the shooting was not a true “Stand Your Ground” issue — is up to the court to decide.

    The law is very specific. If a person feels a life is in danger AND the attacker is approaching, then Stand Your Ground may be acceptable. If he attacker is backing off or otherwise is no longer a threat, Stand Your Ground morphs into murder. Everyone who has a concealed weapons permit MUST know this; if they don’t they should not have a permit or even a weapon!

When I see someone who appears to be healthy park in a reserved spot and walk away sans hang tag, I start looking for a cop. I won’t call 9-1-1 since there is no real emergency, but I I happen to see a passing cop car I’ll flag it down and suggest that the officer might want to look at the tag-less vehicle.

    I am told by a person with handicap plates that even with the plates he still had to hang the hang tag from the vehicle’s mirror.

It is a real challenge not to confront a person who parks a non-tagged vehicle in a handicapped-only slot, but I forego the opportunity.

No reason to get into a gun fight over someone’s stupidity and lack of decency.

It’s crazy what some people claim as a Stand your Ground defense.

A guy chased another fellow on a Dade County street. He hit the fellow and the fellow died. In court his lawyer claimed his client was “standing his ground.” The judge, looking at a video of the incident, disagreed. Who said “justice is blind?”

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

Comment on Handicapped hang tags

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