Monday, August 19, 2019


Jail & heavily fine
Firms, individuals
Who employ illegals

THE GOVERNMENT REALLY WANTS TO reduce illegal entry into the country it can do so very simply.


If a corporation employs illegals, JAIL THE CEO.

Photo credit NY Daily News (

MINIMUM SENTENCES should be $10,000 fine for each illegal and not less than one year in jail — sans work release program — for the executives who hire them.

If hired by an individual, same penalties.



It is intended to be harsh.

The illegals flock to the U.S. because they are pretty sure someone will hire them, even for little more than off-the-books “slave wages.”

Any illegals caught in the U.S. should be rounded up — with their families — and deported.

If the illegal claims it would be dangerous to return to the place they left — Somalia is a good example — let the illegal find a country willing to give them refuge; let them immigrate to that country LEGALLY.

It will cost America less to deport people to, say, the paradises of Panama or Venezuela, than it does to incarcerate whole families here where taxpayers must feed, clothe, educate, and provide medical care for the illegals, often benefits the taxpayers do not enjoy.

Optionally, force the employers to pay for the illegal’s deportation costs — in addition to the aforementioned fines and executive’s jail time.

The illegals deserve some pity, some sympathy. They are trying to survive.

The Americans who hire them deserve neither pity nor sympathy.

Each year hundreds of workers cross America’s borders legally to work the fields, doing jobs Americans — even those long on the dole — refuse to do as if it is beneath them.

    That situation is not unique to the U.S.

As long as greedy Americans can take advantage of the disadvantaged, they will do so.

That being the case, the federal government (in the guise of ICE), must expand its focus to include not just the illegals but, more importantly, the people to take advantage of the illegals.

Raids on factories are proper.

But so are raids on private homes staffed with illegals.

Likewise businesses of all sizes that are not concerned with legalities.

The laws setting financial penalties already are on the books.

The penalties need to be increased and accompanied by COMPULSORY jail time for an organ­i­za­tion’s executives.

Ideally, the financial penalties should be paid by the executives rather than the stockholders (which also should apply to bank escapades). In reality, it won't happen, but the jail time — sans work release or other special treatment — would impress both the executive and the stockholders.

All the above is just a pipe dream.

Politics being what they are, certain people are exempt from obeying the law.

Still, what is suggested here would reduce the illegal immigration problem.

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Comments on Illegals’ employers

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