Thursday, February 27, 2020


Candidates’ fans
Sit on their hands;
Watch their faces

NEXT TIME YOU SEE A POLITICAL CANDIDATE — any candidate of any party for any office — LOOK AT THE FACES of the people sitting behind the candidate.

MOST of the time, these “supporters” have blank or at least unenthusiastic expressions.

Screen capture of Elizabeth Warren rally with, one assumes, supporters behind her. Look closely at the faces.

CANDIDATES LIKE TO know their supporters “have got their backs.”

It might be a good idea if the candidates actually looked at the faces and watched the emotions of the folks who “have their backs” as they rally their fans in front of them.

The boredom on the faces of Ms. Warren’s backdrop (above) are more typical than not, and they are not limited to this candidate.

The candidates may — usually — have enthusiastic people in front of them and as they enter a venue site, but the folks sitting behind the candidate often seem lethargic, as if they are waiting for a cue card to descend from the ceiling telling them to applaud or otherwise show some emotion.

Watching some of the background victims a viewer almost expects someone to pick his nose or scratch where he could if he was in his own home.

    Give me that place
    Called home sweet home
    It’s better by far than riches
    ’Cause when you’re in your own sweet home
    You can scratch anyplace it itches

While the folks in front of the candidate seem enthusiastic, the enthusiasm fails to extend behind the podium.

Perhaps the candidates’ workers should screen potential “back benchers” in a way similar to tv game shows screen potential players — a lack of real or faux enthusiasm and the potential back bencher gets the hook.

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