Sunday, February 2, 2020


Dems ignore
The obvious

DEMOCRATS HAVE DECIDED: Trumps peace plan is a “sham.”

Joe Biden: ”A peace plan requires two sides to come together.”

Lizzie Warren: “Releasing a plan without negotiating with Palestinians isn’t diplomacy, it’s a sham.”

Their fellow candidates generally are in full agreement and fall into step with “The Squad.”

How many times have the “Palestinians” been invited to find a peaceful, political solution to their plight?

Saudi Arabian journalist Ahmad Adnan wrote in his column1 in the daily ‘Okaz:

    The P.A. has made negative statements against the deal. I maintain that at this stage it needs a friend to be honest with it, telling it and advising it: Sign the deal and then curse it as much as you want, day and night. The Palestinians have in decades past specialized in missing golden opportunities because of [their] mistaken assessment of their capabilities and of the crisis. Let us present a few regrettable examples.

    1. At the 1939 London conference, and before that at the Cyprus conference, the Arabs rejected the Zionist proposal that the percentage of Jewish members of parliament in the future state in Palestine should be 33% so that the parliament in that Arab country would not pass laws against them.

    2. The Arabs rejected the Partition Plan [U.N. Resolution] 181 in 19472. Tunisian president [Habib] Bourguiba’s statements about peace in Jericho in 1965 [garnered] Palestinian and Arab condemnation.

    3. The Arabs ignored the Arab kingdom’s initiative proposed by King Hussein bin Talal [of Jordan] in 1972.3

    4. The Arabs boycotted Egypt after the1978 Camp David Accords; [Syrian president] Hafez al-Assad rejected the ‘Rabin Deposit’ [proposal for Israel-Syria normalization] (1994-96); 4

    5. Yasser Arafat thwarted the Camp David II summit in 2000;

    6. Some Arabs (Qatar, Syria, and Hamas) conspired against the Arab peace initiative endorsed by the Arab League in 2002 at the Beirut summit in accordance with a Saudi proposal.

    “With regard to the Palestinian refugees, I will mention president Bill Clinton’s and [Israeli prime minister] Ehud Barak’s proposal to Yasser Arafat at the Camp David summit to allow the refugees to return to an independent Palestinian state and the return of 50,000 refugees every year to the State of Israel as part of family reunification, and [paying] reparations to refugees who do not want to return. Clinton committed to a sum of $20 billion along with his efforts to obtain a similar sum from Europe, Japan and the Gulf states.

This from a writer in a fellow Muslim state.

Abu Mazen (Abbas) rejected Trump’s plan sight-unseen.

Abu Mazen even refused to accept a phone call from the president.

How can you include a party to an agreement when the party won’t even come to the table? When the party won’t even answer the phone?

Apparently the only way to get anyone to a peace conference is to thoroughly defeat them in war — as the allies did in World War 2 to the Japanese and Germans. Even the Koreans occasionally sit down and pretend to talk peace.

Still, the Democrat candidates and their followers contend that Abu Mazen’s petulance is Trump’s fault.

Even when the PLO comes to the table and agrees to anything, it quickly abrogates the agreement.

Further, Abu Mazen cannot make an agreement.

He is an unelected president (serving well past his term of office)

He represents neither Hamas nor Islamic Brotherhood that control Gaza.

What about Egypt?

Will the Egyptians allow Hamas and Islamic Brotherhood on its borders?

Embassy move

S. 1322 (104th): Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 was approved by the Senate AND the House on 24 OCT 1995 24 years ago.5 The bill authorized relocation of the embassy from Tel Aviv to Israel’s capital, Jerusalem. All other U.S. embassies are located in national capitals.

The bill allowed the president to delay implementation of the relocation on a six-month basis, and until President Trump followed congress’ wishes and relocated the embassy to Israel’s historic (since Kind David c. 1035 — 970 BCE) capital.

Based on the fact that the PLO has remained intransigent in its position on Israel despite multiple peace offers since 1948, apparently Mr. Trump saw no reason to continue to appease the PLO.

Why previous presidents — both Democrat and Republican — failed to follow the wishes of Congress can be speculated as a hope that either the PLO would succeed in turning Israel into yet another Muslim, Jew-free, state or that the PLO would finally recognize the reality of Israel.

Bottom line: the incumbent president was fully within his rights to relocate the embassy to Jerusalem, making it the same as every other U.S. embassy — in the host country’s capital.


1. Saudi journalist:

2. Peace proposal 1:

3. Peace proposal 2:

4. Peace proposal 3:

5. Embassy:

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