Sunday, June 7, 2020


Defund police:
What happens?
Anarchy reigns

PRAY FOR THE WELFARE OF THE GOVERNMENT, for without the fear of it, man would swallow his fellow alive." Rabbi Chanina the deputy High Priest in Ethics of the Fathers 3:2

Unless someone is a total, anti-Semitic fool — and there are those — Chanina’s words ring true as protesters call to “defund the police.”


Gary Varvel editorial carton for 10 JUN 20 (

ADMITTEDLY, there ARE bad cops. One bad cop is one too many.

Admittedly, cops have killed people sans justification.

Admittedly, cops need better training and psychological testing to weed out those men and women who can’t “keep their cool” in a charged situation.

This scrivener would be a horrible cop.

My First Born is a Law Enforcement Officer (LEO), a nicer name, I think, than “cop.” I am proud to say that, unlike his father, he has proven he can “keep his cool.” He’s a good cop.

Admittedly, the “media” of all types, rarely provides a complete story.

Admittedly, there are agitators who lurk to take advantage of situations, preferring to protest and destroy rather than seek the truth or, as the late Paul Harvey would say, hear “the rest of the story.”

Admittedly “things” could, and should, be “better.”

In this time of the Chinese virus du jour, protesters should — but many do not — wear masks and maintain ”social distancing.” Video after video after still more videos show protesters standing shoulder to shoulder with uncovered faces. These people CLAIM to stand up for others while they casually infect others with the disease. This is “good citizenship?”


Blame someone else

The protesters blame America’s problems on everyone BUT themselves. That’s the malady of the age of entitlement combined with young adulthood.

    A wiser man once said if his son was not a Communist by the time he was 20, the man would disown his son.

    He added that if he son still was s Communist when he was 30, he would disown his son.

    His point: At a certain age, many young people look for ways to rebel against their parents’ ways, they know the can do things better. And then reality sets in.

    Defund the police is a 20-something’s response. At 30, the same person, unless he or she is a criminal, will have done a 180 degree turn and supports the cops.

    It’s natural. It’s normal.

It is unfortunate that protesting often turns into rioting. Rioters STUPIDLY burn down their own neighborhoods. People providing services to the neighborhoods are forced out — and no one wants to come in to replace them. Who gets hurt? The neighborhood. Ergo: STUPID.

Insurance rates go up faster than a helium balloon and make coverage impossible.

Did I mention this “cutting off the nose to spite oneself” is STUPID?


The price for civil disobedience

It is one thing to protest in a park.

It is another to protest on a sidewalk.

It is yet another thing to protest in the streets.

Unless all drivers are in sympathy with the protesters, the street blockers only engender hate for their cause.

When the protesters go into neighborhoods, many people “lock and load.”

There are very strict laws preventing otherwise law-abiding citizens from grabbing their gun and heading into the street to confront protesters.

But there also are laws that allow a person to defend himself/herself and those close to him/her.

My son, the LEO, has impressed these laws on me and frequently reminds me of them. As I wrote earlier, HE has the disposition of a good LEO; I do not.

Protesters, when they inconvenience the general public generate animosity from the people they should be courting, the people who are not (fully) opposed to the protesters’ cause.

When rioters integrate into the protesters’ groups and threaten the people, animosity often morphs into antagonism. The protesters’ cause is diminished.

    In Miami FL, peaceful protesters managed to protect some commercial properties — in one case, a pharmacy — from rioters. Unfortunately, this proved the exception to the rule (but deserves to be recognized).


Where are the protesters?

Where are the protesters when blacks kill blacks?

Maybe there is a small demonstration in the victim’s neighborhood, and occasionally there will be a march, but where are the Al Sharptons, the Malcolm Xs, the Jessie Jacksons? Where are the “new” black leaders — the ones touted by Time as “12 New Faces of Black Leadership” (

Where are these "leaders" when a black kills a non-black?

Where are these "leaders" when a Latino is killed — by any one of any hue?

Where are these "leaders" when a cop is abused; will anyone stand up for a person who may have just saved a life?

Where are these "leaders" when someone shoots at firemen or medics?

Where are these "leaders" to condemn destruction of property and injury of anyone, protester or not?

Where are these "leaders" when blacks sell drugs to kids (as well as “consenting” adults)?

Where are these "leaders" to promote “see something, say something”? When a crime is committed by a black against blacks, no one sees anything, no one knows anything. Amazing. (Unfortunately, that applies to most self-defined ghetto communities without exception by race, religion, or politics.) If you don’t like the word “ghetto,” substitute “insular” instead. It means the same, but sounds nicer.

Not enough “face time” on the media of various types to suit the leaders, old and new?

Black leadership? Based on its absence, it must be a farce conjured up by white editors safely sequestered from the events on the streets beneath them.


Bottom line

There are good cops and there are bad cops.

Police departments need to weed out the bad cops.

Police departments need to vet candidates more thoroughly.

Police departments need to pair experienced officers with new recruits, not for just a month or two, but for a year to assure the new officer can handle the pressure and abuse he, or she, will face.

To “defund” law enforcement agencies is NOT the answer.

Defunding law enforcement will result in anarchy.

If anyone thinks things are bad now, consider the option of anarchy.


Just for the record, ANARCHY as defined by Merriam-Webster:

    1a : absence of government

    1b : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority

    1c : a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government

    2a : absence or denial of any authority or established order

    2b : absence of order : disorder

Synonyms for anarchy: lawlessness, misrule

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