Thursday, June 25, 2020


Where is apartheid
Practiced today?
The Muslim states

WHILE ANTI-ZIONISTS AND ANTI-SEMITES falsely condemn Israel as an “apartheid” state, they manage to ignore the real apartheid Muslim countries.

In Israel, an Arab who is an Israeli citizen can become a member of Knesset, sit on the Israeli Supreme Court and as judges in lower courts, be a soldier, be a cop. The Israeli Arab can do any job for which he is qualified. He can go to any Israeli university (if he meets the entrance exams — just like a non-Arab Israeli).

While individuals may discriminate against other individuals (even though not legally), the state and its municipalities may not and do not discriminate.


Merriam-Webster definition of “Apartheid”


”PALESTINIANS” in Muslim countries, even when they are a majority (e.g., Jordan) suffer apartheid.

Likewise Lebanon.

Both Jordan and Lebanon, and Syria, too, could have — but did not — extend citizenship to the “Palestinians” who left their homes in 1948 to clear the way for the “glorious” invading armies from Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Syria.

These states did not offer citizenship to those who ran away, nor do they offer citizenship to the children of the runaways, many of whom fester in UN “refugee” camps. (While the camps are not spas, the UN provides all the residents’ needs.)

“Palestinians” who seek work in other Muslim countries, such as the Gulf states, are reportedly treated as serfs, little more than low-paid disposable workers.

The “Palestinians” in the PLO/PFLP-controlled areas of Israel at least can work in Israel for better wages than they would receive in the neighboring countries, and certainly much more than in “Palestine.”
The ability to earn a decent income working in Israel has been stopped by Abu Mazen who has unilaterally canceled all agreements with Israel; agreements that permitted some “Palestinians” to work in Israel, to seek medical treatment in Israel (unless the person is a high-ranking PLO/PFLP official or a relative of such a person).

Since those Muslims under Abu Mazen’s thumb cannot enter Israel, they are “stuck” in the PLO/PFLP-controlled areas. Anyone in the PLO/PFLP area who wants to travel anywhere must go via Israel.

Europe? Via Israel to Amman.

Syria? Via Israel to Jordan.

Egypt? Via Israel to Jordan.

Likewise anyone who wants to visit the area must travel via Israel.

Since, for Abu Mazen, there are no travel agreements, even anti-Israel U.S. congresswomen cannot get to the PLO/PFLP-controlled areas.

Of course it is all Israel’s fault.

Did Israel refuse to negotiate with the PLO/PFLP?

No, Abu Mazen decided there could be no negotiations.

Did Israel close the border to “Palestinians” who want to work in Israel.

No. Abu Mazen decided to close the border.

Qatar has sent TWO (2) planeloads of medical supplies to Abu Mazen.

Abu Mazen has REFUSED BOTH planeloads of supplies because Qatar

   (a) did not consult with him first

   (b) the planes landed at Lod, Israel’s main international airport.

Abu Mazen lacks an airport big enough to accommodate the Qatari airplane.

Israel, although lacking diplomatic relations with Qatar, allowed the planes to land in Israel and allowed the medical supplies to be off-loaded for delivery to “Palestine.”

What became of the medical supplies is an unknown. Sent back to Qatar? Warehouse in Israel until Abu Mazen comes to his senses? Used by Israel for its citizens without regard to religion?

Israel is NOT an apartheid state, no matter how many liberals claim it is so.

Jordan is an apartheid state.

Lebanon is an apartheid state.

Syria is an apartheid state.

The PLO/PFLP area, while not a state, practices apartheid by allowing only Muslims to live within its boundaries.

Likewise Gaza is an apartheid area. No Jews allowed, and only a few non-Muslims tolerated.

How, given the definition of apartheid, can Israel be called an apartheid state?

Why, given the definition of apartheid, are Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, et al, NOT consider apartheid states?

Why, given the definition of apartheid, are the PLO/PFLP and Gaza governments NOT identified as apartheid governments?



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