Sunday, August 23, 2020


Sour grapes:
Why wait 4
Years to kvetch?

PRESIDENT TRUMP’S NIECE is just now accusing her uncle of mean and nasty things. Maybe illegal things, too.

Question: Why did she wait until a few months before the November election?

Think about it.


The language in this entry may be offensive to some.

The niece, Mary L. Trump, didn’t make such claims before the 2016 election. Why now?

If all Trump’s transgressions happened long ago, why wait until August 2020 to hit the media outlets?

Is she simply pimping her book?

I first heard of this a few days ago, being enthralled by Sleepy Joe and Kamala Emhoff and their version of America now and in January when, assuming Kamala is elected — I doubt Sleepy will be aware of the event or if he is, get the swearing-in performed sans another gross gaffe, his forte — the far left will begin “rebuilding” the country.

    Some of the anarchists already are tearing down the country; extreme leftists taking over the streets of some cities and towns, surely so Biden et al can “rebuild, better.”
Given the timing of the book, it would seem that the niece is in the Democrats’ pocket.

Slighted and cut from will

A New York Times1 article headlined The Inside Story of Why Mary Trump Wrote a Tell-All Memoir

    (H)er uncle, President Trump, for years looked down on her father — his own brother, Fred Trump Jr., (who was) an alcoholic who died when she was a teen.

    Her grandfather, the senior Fred Trump, hated her mother, whom he blamed for Fred Trump Jr.’s drinking, court papers say. Her aunt, the president’s sister, once accused Ms. Trump and her brother in a legal deposition of being “absentee grandchildren.”

    Ms. Trump’s status as an outcast culminated in 1999 when the senior Fred Trump died, and she discovered that she and her brother had been cut out of his will, depriving them of what they believed was their rightful share of untold millions. A dispute over the will devolved into a court fight, its details shielded by a confidentiality agreement that Ms. Trump has adhered to for nearly 20 years.

The article continues that

    Her book, “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man,” ended up in court itself: The Trump family has sought to stop its publication. Ms. Trump has countered that the secrecy provision that has kept her silent until now is unenforceable and based on financial fraud.

Sister speaks ill of brother

According to Wikipedia, a source that may, or may not, be accurate,

    Maryanne Trump Barry (born April 5, 1937) is an American attorney and a retired United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, appointed by President Bill Clinton. She is the eldest sister of U.S. President Donald Trump.2

    Barry has said little publicly about her brother during his presidency. In August 2020, Barry's niece Mary L. Trump released recordings she had secretly made of 2018 conversations with Barry in which her aunt sharply criticized the president. She (I assume the aunt, ed.) stated, "He has no principles. None. None... His goddamned tweet and lying, oh my God. I'm talking too freely, but you know. The change of stories. The lack of preparation. The lying. Holy shit." She added that her brother does not read, and "It's the phoniness of it all. It's the phoniness and this cruelty. Donald is cruel.

Why was in necessary to make “secret” recordings of her aunt?

Pot and kettle

Meanwhile,, Judge Barry resigned from the bench, ending a judicial investigation into whether she broke judicial conduct rules by committing tax fraud, according to a still-unreleased court filing. 3 She is now entitled to an annual retirement salary that could range upward of $200,000, according to the Administrative Office of the US Courts.

Interestingly, and mostly ignored by the “popular” media, is a New York Times2 report asserting that Barry, along with her father and siblings, had engaged in fraudulent and illegal activity for the purpose of limiting estate tax and gift tax liability stemming from Fred Trump's real estate enterprises. Investigative journalist Susanne Craig discovered a critical piece of information in the investigation: a filing Barry had made to the Senate as part of her federal judiciary confirmation in which she had reported a $1 million contribution from All County Building Supply & Maintenance. The Times reported that All County Building Supply & Maintenance was a "sham company" formed in 1992 and owned by Barry, Donald Trump, their siblings, and a cousin. All County Building Supply & Maintenance reportedly paid for work performed at Fred Trump's apartment buildings; those apartment buildings then reimbursed All County Building Supply & Maintenance, but fraudulently added extra money to those reimbursements. Tax experts reportedly indicated that because All County "performed no real work, the transfer of money through the corporation was essentially a gift that evaded the 55 percent tax in place at the time". Its address was the Manhasset, New York, residence of John Walter, Fred Trump's nephew. In a follow-up article, The New York Times reported that the money illicitly earned by All County was split by the Trump siblings.

In October 2018, as a result of the publication of this investigation, the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance began a review of the fraud allegations against Barry and her siblings.

Trump's lawyer, Charles Harder, said the original Times story was false. "There was no fraud or tax evasion by anyone. The facts upon which the Times bases its false allegations are extremely inaccurate," he said in a statement last fall.


1. May L. Trump:

2. Maryanne Barry:

3. Judge’s resignation:

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