Monday, January 18, 2021


Mike Pence
Let me down

I VOTED FOR DONALD TRUMP BECAUSE I trusted VP Mike Pence to control Trump’s mouth and twitter finger.

He failed me.


PENCE (right), former governor of the Hoosier State, should have had a “calming” effect on Donald Trump.

We — voters — knew that The Donald was a loose cannon with his mouth and tweeter fingers.

Trump, to his credit, tried to fulfill his campaign promises. He was stymied by the same Democrats that allowed Trump’s predecessor to

    Fund security on Mexico’s SOUTHERN border to reduce illegal entry from Guatemala
    Build detention centers for illegal aliens’ children

The Democrats prevented him from improving the 2,700 page federal health care program his predecessor snuck through Congress by not allowing time for it to be properly reviewed.

UNLIKE his predecessor who gave millions to the terrorist PFLP on his last day in office, Trump

    Cut off funds to the PFLP and other terrorists
    Managed to achieve “normalization” agreements between Israel and at least four Muslim countries in the region (and arrange a peace agreement between Serbia and Kosovo in Europe)
    Got the U.S. out of an Iran deal that was blatantly violated by the Iranians
    Drew down troops in foreign wars
    Returned jobs exported during the predecessor’s administration back to the U.S. and reduced unemployment to levels unheard of since World War 2
    among other things.

Also unlike his predecessor, Trump — despite his accomplishments ! — he was denied the Nobel Peace Prize that his predecessor got for winning an election a few days after the results were counted.

BUT Trump responded badly to continuing attacks from the Democrats — even though he foolishly elected not to allow the Democrat presidential candidate to be prosecuted for her illegal server or her role in the “spontaneous” attack on the American consulate in Benghazi Libya in which four Americans were murdered.

Results of “spontaneous” attack on U.S. facility in Benghazi

Unlike almost all previous elections, the Democrats continued to demonize Trump at every turn.

Trump, unfortunately for American conservatives, responded with multiple unscripted talks and with non-thought-out tweets that offended not only the “progressives,” but many Republicans as well.

Trump may be a negotiator — a skill he proved many times over — but he is not a diplomat.

He did deal with North Korea’s despot and managed, for awhile it seemed, to lower the caustic rhetoric from that source.

He did not get the U.S. involved in any new foreign escapades that put American lives in danger.

But his words and his tweets.

Trump in Chinese finger cuffs (Bruce Plante,

I really don’t care WHAT the Europeans think about his personality. Europe is a has been.

Of course, the leaders of the NATO nations are unhappy with Trump; he insisted that they start paying their fair share of the costs. Imagine!

Still, he is perceived as a buffoon, and Pence should have used whatever powers of persuasion he had with Trump and Trump’s family to moderate the president’s off-the-cuff remarks and his embarrassing tweets. For Trump, Twitter was “UNsocial” media.

    Social media proved it and its “progressive” controllers were more powerful than the President of the United States by banning him from their services.

Trump is a racist. That’s obvious since he canceled a plan by the newly named POTUS to incarcerate black criminals, a plan that its originator now admits was a mistake. He also lowered minority unemployment and had more minorities in government that presidents before him. But he’s a racist; the Democrats say so. Truth is not allowed to get in the way of fabrication.

Trump is xenophobic. That’s why he allowed passengers from Asia and Europe into the U.S. even when there was strong evidence they carried the Chinese virus. The Democrats pilloried him for daring to demand that citizens of 11 predominately Muslim countries — out of 49 countries with a Muslim population of 50 percent or more ( — be carefully vetted. Imagine, trying to protect American citizens. (

Islamic States

Even after moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem — approved by Congress on October 23, 1995 ( Trump managed to arrange “normalization” between Israel and several Muslim countries; it remains to be seen if, under the new administration in Washington, the trend will continue.

Trump was slow to get on the Chinese virus — oops, that’s not “politically correct” in “progressive speech” — bandwagon, but he did mobilize U.S. pharmaceuticals to develop, manufacture, and distribute vaccine. In a “damned if he does and damned if he does not” action, he allowed the U.S. firms to sell vaccine to foreign nations. Great foreign policy, lousy domestic policy and many seniors — this scrivener included — still are waiting to get on a list to be vaccinated! Not enough vaccine.

Meanwhile, the governor of my state is allowing snowbirds to be vaccinated in front of full-time residents who are 65 and more.

The incoming administration promised to do exactly what Trump already did — but that surely will earn the incoming president a Nobel Peace Price.

MEANWHILE the Democrats — with less than a week left in his administration — are trying to convict him of something, anything.

Trump’s main crime is being impolitic, of failing to be a gentleman and allowing the Democrats to railroad him with unfounded and, indeed proven to be sans value claims. Meanwhile, there are allegations that the new president (and his son) has committed felony-level crimes, crimes that likely will cause him to resign before his first year in office ends. Harris-Emhoff is waiting — impatiently? — for her chance.

If only Pence had reined in the president the Democrats undoubtedly would put aside their anger at losing in 2016.

Bottom line: It is all Mike Pence’s fault.

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