Tuesday, January 19, 2021


Trump done in
By own mouth,
Foolish tweets

THERE IS AN OLD EXPRESSION: a foolish person “shot himself in the foot.”

In Donald Trump’s case, he shot himself in the tongue.

While the Yellow Pages — anyone remember THEM? — suggested to “Let your fingers do the walking,” Trump’s fingers were busy tweeting.

Unfortunately, both his unscripted spoken words and his often outrageous tweets ended his political career and damaged his professional life as well.

Fair weather friends — financing organizations — abandoned him like rats leaving a sinking ship.

The monster companies that control so-called “social media” have banned Trump, effectively silencing him and making a mockery of the Constitution’s First Amendment.

The media, which long ago gave up objective reporting for politically biased screeds, largely twisted everything Trump said or did to suit those opposing Trump.


TRUMP WAS HIS OWN WORST ENEMY, especially in his final days in office.

Even staunch supporters — this scrivener included — were embarrassed by him and for him.

Mike Huckabee (right), an ardent supporter of Trump since dropping his own 2016 Republican bid for the White House, has also criticized the president for his rhetoric in recent days.

The former governor told Just the News (https://tinyurl.com/yx8m73ee) last week, “We have to be honest, the last month has not been a good one for President Trump, he has sullied his own good reputation.

“Instead of using the last few weeks to celebrate the successes of his administration, and make the country really wish he was still going to be president, I think some of the rhetoric — and some of it wasn’t all his fault, but still, he’s being blamed, and the net result is people are going to be glad that he’s not on the stage, creating the kind of the discord.

“So he’s going to have to do some work of repair before he can come back and lead,” Huckabee continued. “Could he run again? I don’t know. Only if he can sort of show that he can be that above-it-all leader and not just deal with his hurts. And I have said to him personally, and I’ve said this about him, when he is at his best is when he’s fighting for the people. When he is at his worst, it’s when he’s fighting for himself.”

    If the Democrats win the day and manage to convict Trump of something, anything in the now Democrat senate, he will be precluded from ever running for president again.

Trump has many accomplishments.

He would have had many more had his efforts not been blocked by the “progressives” of the Democrat party.

    Is it “Democrat” or “Democratic” party? A quick search of “Democrat or Democratic Party” suggests that even they don’t know. Is it a noun (democrat) or a verb (democratic)?

Trump never was known for diplomatic speech. He is crude and pugnacious. But then, in private, most presidents, at least dating back to Harry S have had their “crude” and “impolitic” moments.

But, to be fair, the media in the days of Harry S, Ike, and JFK tended to turn a blind eye to presidential peccadilloes. Likewise, “important families” misdemeanors and felonies quickly went from “below the fold on Page 1” to being buried some place near advertisements for tvs and used cars. (How long did Chappaquiddick remain a Page 1 story? Does the name William Kennedy Smith ring a bell?)

It might be said that the media — both social and allegedly professional — turned on Trump after the 2016 election, but that would be untrue — “fake news.”

    One would have thought ! that Trump would have been the darling of the liberal media when he told the Justice Department NOT to prosecute Hillary Clinton for her illegal server or her role in the death of four Americans in Benghazi during a “spontaneous” attack that evidence determined was well planned.

    As I was searching for Clinton’s quote (ibid.) I stumbled across the Snopes entry (https://tinyurl.com/yyxtq4cs) about Mrs. Clinton claiming that we (the U.S.) "didn't lose a single person in Libya." Snopes ruled that the claim was Mostly False

    Why was it “mostly false”? Because she “forgot” or “declined to mention” the four American’s murdered in the attack on the U.S. facility in Benghazi.

Snopes excusing Clinton’s faux pas about four murdered Americans in Benghazi Libya (https://tinyurl.com/yyxtq4cs)

I’M NOT SURE I would have managed my composure as well as Trump against the many proven false accusations, but then I am not POTUS (nor would I want to be). Likewise, I am sure my composure would have slipped when the crimes Trump allegedly committed were proven to be crimes committed by Biden et Fil for which there appears to be ample evidence, e.g., China, Ukraine.

For all that, Trump’s end-of-term histrionics are not just “unfortunate” but “deplorable.” Unpresidential.

As POTUS, Trump accomplished many things; things his predecessors repeatedly failed to even try.

Not only was Trump “robbed” of a second term in White House, he also was “robbed” of a well-deserved Nobel Peace Prize.

A “social worker” who became president got the Nobel (right) because the prize committee wanted to promote him (Politics in the Nobel committee? Never.) Trump, on the other hand, DID get a peace agreement between warring European nations (Serbia and Kosovo) and “normalization” agreements between Israel and several of its Muslim neighbors. He accomplished the Middle East agreements by ignoring the Democrat’s darlings, the terrorists PFLP and Hamas.

He moved the U.S. embassy to Israel’s capital to confirm with all other embassies. This move was authorized by Congress in October 25, 1995 but all president’s since were in bed with terrorists Arafat and Abu Mazen.

When it was obvious Iran failed to comply with international agreements, Trump pulled the U.S. out and instituted sanctions against the war-mongering country, a country whose leaders attacked U.S. “assets” with impunity prior to Trump’s election.

Trump seemed to make progress with North Korea.

Trump also had the “chutzpah” to insist European NATO members pick up more of the financial load.

Obama over two terms failed to do any of these things.

Trump also managed to draw-down the number of troops on foreign soil, unlike his predecessors.

ON THE OTHER HAND, Obama DID put juvenile illegal immigrants in cages (ignored by the media) and provided support to Mexico to shore up its southern border with Guatemala (yet he did nothing to halt illegal entry from Mexico nor did he propose laws to punish the people employing the immigrants, often at sub-standard wages). Again, nothing in the media.

Trump HAS a case against the media.

But Trump also is his own worst enemy. I hoped Mike Pence could mitigate Trump’s bellicose behavior. He either could not or would not control his boss. Because of this, Pence may have put “30” to his political career.

Trump DID accomplish a lot. He COULD have accomplished more in a second term.

Unfortunately, his lack of control has cost him the election and the support of many of America’s conservative majority.

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Comment on Trump’s life

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