Thursday, February 4, 2021


It’s not 1984:
Big Brother
Has Arrived


The question is: Who is protecting us from the government?

Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is deciding to protect us from ourselves. Ronald Reagan



Before Franklin Delano Roosevelt, FDR, people generally took care of each other.

Granted, the country found itself in a depression brought on by greed and lack of concern for our neighbors. The whole world suffered.

So FDR initiated a number of social programs, including Social Security, the TVA, WPA, and a host of more “alphabet soup” organizations, many of which linger on even today.

    (At the same time FDR was creating “make work” programs for Americans, he kept Jewish refugees from Germany at bay by closing the borders to them.)

Another three-initial president, Lyndon Baines Johnson, LBJ, gave us Medicare, a social service into which citizens pay and pay and then, when retired, CONTINUE to pay — more every year.

Unfortunately, we — Americans — brought some of this on ourselves.

We allowed technology — that “miracle” that was supposed to save us time and money — to take over our lives . . . and our wallets.

Doctors DON’T know best

I am about to travel overseas for six months.

My Spouse and I have a Medicare Advantage plan that is SUPPOSED cover our prescription medicines, BUT when my Spouse tried to get a Vacation Override so she could get two 90-day supplies — enough to last six months (180 days by my count) she was denied.

    The insurer also claims we will have emergency coverage while out of the insurer’s coverage area. But only for five (5) months. I’ll bet the insurer collects from CMS for the sixth month!

After going around and around with the insurance company, she discovered that the most she could get would be a 5 month supply of medications. The insurer told my Spouse that it would terminate her coverage if she was outside of the company’s service area for six months.

Understand, that she could be back on day 179 and needed her pills until she could get a refill from the pharmacy.

ONE DAY and the insurer refused to give the override.

None of her medications are narcotics.

To be fair, there was a person at the insurance company and another at the pharmacy that did their best to help my Spouse. The insurance clerk was about the 15th clerk with whom my wife spoke. Getting to the helpful clerk was a several-day process.

MEANWHILE, SEEING THE PROBLEMS MY Spouse encountered, and knowing that I have far less patience that she, I contacted my Primary Care Physician (PCP) and asked that he write a script for double the number of pills — from one-a-day to two-a-day. That way, my normal 90-day supply would last 180 days.

The pharmacy refused to honor my doctor’s order.

The insurer told the pharmacy that what my doctor did was “unethical.”

Again, no narcotics. Nothing to sell and I’m certainly not about to OD on a diabetes pill.

Still, it failed to meet some esoteric law in place to protect me.

The insurer knows better than my doctor how many pills I need? My insurer has never examined me and I doubt it ever has seem my laboratory results.

I’m 78 years old and I don’t think I need protection from myself; but I’m not so sure I don’t need protection from The Powers That Be.

Something new? Hardly

There was a time when a committee of prudes determined what made-in-America movies could include. Married couples had to sleep in twin beds or, Hollywood forbid, if they managed to share a double bed, each bed partner had to have one foot on the floor. (How did movies ever have babies in them?)

Go to the library and, if lucky, the book you want won’t be on some blue list as “unsuitable” for you. Lady Chatterley's Lover made the list. In some places, Tom Sawyer was pulled from the shelves. Disney, in its corporate wisdom, locked The Song of the South in a vault, never to see the light of day again. (Uncle Remus’ wisdom was denied to generations. Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Duh.) And this was BEFORE the Black Lives Matter riots.

    Personally, I thought Uncle Remus was a pretty good example to follow. I also thought the 1950s Aunt Jemima made great flapjacks and Uncle Ben’s rice was, properly cooked, delicious. Now I find that, per BLM and other leftists, I am a white racist! ‘Course I’m so out of it that I thought BLM meant Bureau of Land Management, the Forest Service’s nemesis.

“Western” religions have been censoring our reading material for centuries. Likewise art.

History is being revised again (and again).

And then there is “political correctness”

Once upon a time colleges and universities taught students two things: critical thinking and a profession.

Even in my time, the schools of higher education were beginning to tell students what and how to think at the expense of critical thinking. If a student wants a good grade, the student simply parrots the teacher.

After graduation, if the now employed person wants to keep his or her job, he or she must agree — kow-tow — with the boss (or boss’ offspring) on all matters.

I suppose abandoning “critical thinking” in university was the right thing to do; no one wants critical thinkers today.

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

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