Wednesday, February 27, 2019


want to unseat

WHILE THE INTENT is appreciated, the reality is that

    a.  It cannot be done and
    b.  It should NOT be done
at least on a national fiat.

The PROCLAIMING JUSTICE TO THE NATIONS (PJTN) organization’s Laurie Cardoza-Moore, head of the Franklin, Tennessee-based group, is calling for Americans across the country to demand the ouster of Ilhan Omar (D-MN) from the U.S. House of Representatives, or — at a minimum — her removal from the House Foreign Affairs Committee. (Omar also was assigned to the House Education & Labor Committee.)

If Ms. Cardoza-Moore wants Americans from coast-to-coast to protest decisions by Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), House Majority leader, to appoint Ms. Omar to sensitive committees, that’s one thing and is acceptable.

On the other hand, if Ms. Cardoza-Moore and friends want Ms. Omar removed from office, THAT is not acceptable.

Ms. Omar was elected by voters in Minnesota’s Fifth Congressional District. (She is the second Muslim elected to the U.S. House from that district.)

The power to recall an elected official belongs to the voters who put the person into office; in Ms. Omar’s case, that is the voters of Minnesota’s Fifth Congressional District.

An elected official can be impeached — no easy task — and banished from office, but there is nothing stopping the voters from returning the politician to office. Indeed, this may be a likely scenario if the voters deem the politicians who cast out their candidate did so for questionable reasons.



Most of the criticism of Ms. Omar and her fellow Muslims in the House focuses on their close association with organizations linked to Muslim terrorist activity. Anti-Semitism comes into play and that worries observant Jews — albeit it seems not to disturb non-observant (liberal, leftist) Jews — but a look at Ms. Omar’s web presence (Facebook, etc.) shows one of her chief targets is Saudi Arabia and its treatment of women. (Why only Saudi Arabia and not her own Somalia or Libya or Iran or name almost any Muslim-dominated country. She also avoids tackling several Latin American countries infamous for what Americans consider civil rights violations.)

Her state, Minnesota, has long had socialist leanings; former Vice President Herbert Horatio Humphrey — fantastic orator, by the way — was a Democrat-Socialist.



As much as this scrivener dislikes Ms. Omar’s attacks on Israel — especially since she obviously gets her information from people who nave no first hand knowledge of Israel or the region — given these uncivilized times, it is no wonder that she and others of her ilk are empowered by like-minded or like-unminded peers.

I doubt Ms. Omar and her fellow new members of the House have any concept of civility or any idea that nothing, especially in politics, is “black and white” (assuming that — “black and white” — it not too politically incorrect).

Whatever I think about Ms. Omar, she is NOT my representative to the U.S. House who, in my opinion, is worse than Ms. Omar. Likewise, the House’s majority leadership was elected from districts other than mine, so I have no right to call for its recall.

Write a letter to Nancy Pelosi. It will be wasted effort.

Write a letter to your representative. Likewise, wasted effort. Some, like mine, probably will applaud her behavior.

Too bad getting all the facts is not a requirement for public pronouncements, especially for politicians.

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

Comments on Ilhan Omar

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