Tuesday, February 12, 2019


Pol’s ignorance
Shows when
She bashes Israel

THE ROMANS had a god, Janus1, who had two faces. Many of today’s politicians must pray to that god, for they, too, have two faces.

Newly elected Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) have, in their short stay in government, managed to make anti-Semitic statements with one breath and then “apologize” in the next breath.

Janus would be proud.

I WOULD NOT OBJECT to the Democrat representatives’ comments about Israel IF EITHER HAD EVER BEEN TO ISRAEL and had first hand knowledge of what happens in Israel.

I DO object to anti-Semitic remarks, but I also think too many Jews are too quick to brand ANY comment about Israel or Jews that is less than flattering as “anti-Semitism.”

    I lived in Israel (1975-79).

    My daughter and my grandchildren live in Israel.

    I have other relatives in Israel.

    I visit Israel more or less regularly.

I KNOW all non-Jews have the same

    Freedom of religion as Jews

    Freedom to travel as Jews

    Right to vote as Jews

    Right to travel on Israel’s buses and trains as Jews

    Right to education at all levels, from pre-K to university

I have seen obviously Muslim families pass through Israel’s main international airport with less hindrance than some Jews.

I have seen an obviously Muslim family stroll on the beach near Haifa while their fellow Muslims were raining rockets on Haifa — no one, repeat NO ONE bothered them or obstructed their stroll or yelled anti-Muslim comments.

What non-Jews in Israel don’t have is a military obligation. They may perform community service, normally within their own communities.

Muslims from the PLO-occupied territories come into Israel on a daily basis to work for higher wages than they can get at home.

Rami Levy, a major supermarket chain, makes a point of employing Muslims along side Jews. Salaries for the same job are the same for Jew and Muslim.

Before BDS drove it out, SodaStream bused Muslims from the PLO territories to work in its factory alongside Jews; again, same pay for same job. BDS put the Muslims out of work, but SodaStream, which moved south now employs Druze along side Jews.

Haifa University’s student population is dominated by Muslims.

Israeli and PLO Muslims train at hospitals throughout Israel, although it seems primarily at Hadassah in Jerusalem — as has been the case since before 1948.

The idea that Muslims are a mistreated minority in Israel is a fallacy.

Pure, unmitigated bovine excrement.

There IS discrimination in Israel — just as there is everywhere.

    Discrimination based on behavior.

    Discrimination based on education, of lack thereof.

    Discrimination on who or what a person knows.

Israel is NOT a perfect society.

Neither is any other society in which more than two people exist.

Muslims in the U.S. congress?

Big deal.

There have been — and remain — Muslims in Israel’s parliament from the beginning, some actively working against the government they were elected to serve. That so far has not happened in America.


For the record, former Rep. Keith Ellison was the first Muslim elected to congress.2 A Democrat, he was replaced by Omar. The new Muslim members of congress are joined by Andre Carson (D-IN).3




1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janus

2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keith_Ellison

3. http://www.pewforum.org/2019/01/03/faith-on-the-hill-116/

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

Comments on (Ignorant pols

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