Sunday, September 13, 2020


BLM is a lie:
Blacks kill blacks, Where are protests

IF BLACK LIVES REALLY MATTERED, blacks and their non-black supporters would be hitting the streets and demanding that governments increase police funding !

I don’t know about other areas of the U.S., but where I live blacks are murdering blacks on an almost daily basis.

It is not “just” gang warfare. Innocents are slaughtered in drive-by shootings. Children. Seniors.

Going outside is a gamble. Even staying inside is becoming a gamble.



Why aren’t they marching and demanding that municipalities add additional police to protect black citizens.

Where are Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson? No tv cameras = no Sharpton, no Jackson.

Where are the Democrats in congress loudly protesting deaths of blacks? Silence.

Where are the BLM protesters when the anarchists in their midst slander the movement by destroying property — property that may be providing incomes to the people BLM claims to support?

BLM should be protesting that there are too few “police of color” rather than parroting the Democrats “defund the police” mantra.

Anarchy already reigns in several states — Washington and Oregon to name two. Governors and mayors fail to do what they were elected to do: PROTECT THE PEOPLE.

Call out the Guard

Don’t blame the president — any president — for failing to “send in the Army” to quell what obviously is an insurrection. The Posse Comitatus Act1 prevents that.

Governors, however, may activate the National Guard for their state; governors are, after all, the Guards’ Commander in Chief.

    The Posse Comitatus Act does offer a loophole in which U.S. military personnel may be sent in to put down an insurrection.

    The Insurrection Act, Chapter 13 of Title 10 (10 USC Sections 251-255) allows the President to use U.S. military personnel at the request of a state legislature or governor to suppress insurrections. It also allows the president to use federal troops to enforce federal laws when rebellion against the authority of the U.S. makes it impracticable to enforce the laws of the U.S. by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings.

Governors whose mayors are calling to “defund” the police won’t call out the Guard let alone ask for military intervention; they are political animals who want to be popular with the nosiest citizens — EVEN if the “citizens” are citizens of somewhere else.

Sad, but true

There are bad cops.

There are stupid criminals.

Bad cops often react badly to stupid criminal behavior.

That’s when people die.

In another blog entry2, people are told that the safest way to deal with cops, rogue or otherwise, is to do as the cops tell them. Do not resist. Go to jail. Make a call. Get an attorney. Let a judge decide. Then, when charges are dropped, SUE THE COP AND THE MUNICIPALITY, it could result in a good payday for the person illegally arrested and, since it will cost the municipality cash, it might get the offending cop fired.

Cops are not trained to debate. They are trained to act. Debates are for the lawyers in the courts.

Bad cops plus stupid criminal behavior equal needless injury or death.

Carefully look at the recent events that gave an excuse to the anarchists to riot.

Was the person who died a recidivistic criminal? Yes or No.

Was the person who died in control of his/her facilities or was he or she drunk or on drugs?

It would be nice if

    a. People did NOT jump to conclusions based on partial evidence

    b. The cops and the media would release ALL the relevant information and images

Never mind that the media already lost the respect of many Americans due to its “slanting” of the news. Social media is no better, but at least most posters do not pretend to be professional (that means “paid”) journalists.

    For the record, I was a professional (paid) reporter and editor on small, medium, and large newspapers around the country for more than a decade. I tried very hard to be the Sergeant Friday3 of reporters: “Just the facts.”

As a reporter, I learned to withhold judgment until ALL the facts were on display.

I covered too many cases where, when the prosecutor presented the case I was sure the defendant was guilty, guilty, guilty.

Then the defense presented its case, and my confidence in my “guilty” decision was shaken.

Sometimes the defendant WAS guilty; many times the defendant was innocent. (As a real journalist, we know to write “innocent” rather than “not guilty” since sometimes the word “not” is accidentally omitted or overlooked by a reader or listener.)

No one, not cops, not politicians, not preachers, not agitators should be above the law.

At the same time, we need to let the law — the cops to the courts — do its job.

Unrelated thought

If the Democrat socialists billionaires in high tech and real estate really want to help the poor, let them distribute their wealth to the needy, to the masses. That’s socialism in action. Distribute the wealth. Put up or shut up. Talk the talk and walk the walk — and other cliches.

Rebuild the ghettos and rebuild the barrios.

Tear down the crime-generating slums and build single-family houses or, if land cannot be found — there is plenty of open space in the Intermountain West — then low-rise condos. Follow up by making these new towns “company towns” similar to those owned by companies, such as Kennecott Copper in Nevada.4 The Company owned the property and maintained the property. Need a light bulb changed? Call the Company. Someone will show up and change the bulb. (Unions put an end to that and the residents had to buy and maintain their homes.)

    The problem with non-Company towns, especially high-rise condos, is that some residents allow the property to deteriorate and crime to invade. Not everyone, but too many.

Don’t expect the billionaire socialists to construct housing on their land. When a state needed to build a new prison to incarcerate its growing prisoner population, the citizens were all for it … “but just not in MY neighborhood.”

The word “hypocrites” comes to mind, but I shall refrain.


1. Posse Comitatus Act:

2. Run to Court:

3. Sgt. Friday:

4. Company town:

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