Thursday, September 3, 2020


Joe Biden ads
Show he plans
To clone Trump

ONE OF “SLEEPY JOE’S” tv ads has him telling us that when elected (not “if” but “when”) he will restore America to its former greatness.

    Does he mean the “greatness” of the Obama-Biden administration or the “greatness” of the Trump administration before the Chinese virus?

He speaks of buying American.

    His president bought a campaign bus, not from a U.S. company, but one in Canada.

He says he will have U.S. firms make Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

    Trump already did that.

He talks of reducing Chinese influence.

    Trump already is doing that.

He promises to help small businesses.

    Trump already is doing that.

Never mind that he also promises to raise taxes.


JOE’S AD WRITERS must either have a sense of humor OR they are unusually stupid.

While President Donald Trump is hardly a shining example of leadership — at least he IS awake and his speech coherent — he managed to convince U.S. manufacturers to make PPE and to revamp production lines to make ventilators.

This in itself supports businesses both large and small.

He “encouraged” U.S. manufacturers to bring back manufacturing jobs to the U.S. Ghost factories are now coming back to life.

He has — if you take a negative (a/k/a Democratic) approach — fired the first shots in a “trade war” with China. In reality, he is trying to put both trading partners on an equal footing.

Trump has not promised to raise taxes. On that Biden stands alone.

Biden insists that everyone in the U.S. must wear a mask. So much for States Rights. Washington under the Democrats has consistently whittled away at the rights of states to make their own laws.

To be fair, Biden promises citizenship to 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. while Trump still is trying to build a wall. These people will be entitled to all the benefits of America’s legal citizens without paying into the system (Social Security, Medicare, state Medicaid).

Biden complains that Trump has “divided America with his divisiveness.”

The gentleman should hold up a mirror to his own party — starting with Mrs. Clinton.

The divisiveness started with her behavior after the 2016 election.

Even in bitterly fought campaigns, losers — until Mrs. Clinton — congratulated their opponent.

The divisiveness is magnified by the Democrat “progressives” in congress: The Squad, Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler in the House and Schumer in the Senate.

Biden was Obama’s VP when the U.S. allowed the liberal and Muslim-dominated UN screed on Israel. He also was part of the administration that sent billions of dollar to the terrorists' intransigent PLO “leader” Abu Mazen on Obama’s last day in power.

Biden, who claims to be a Catholic, is in bed with Planned Parenthood abortion advocates. Planned Parenthood is anathema to the church.

Biden claims he will leave the U.S. embassy in Israel’s capital. However, during the Obama-Biden rule, the progressives kowtowed to Abu Mazen. For all their support of the terrorist, they could not — or perhaps did not want — to bring the PLO to the table with Israel.

Trump, on the other hand, moved the embassy and canceled U.S. payments to the PLO for its “slay for pay” programs.

The Obama-Biden administration gave the Muslims in North Africa and the Middle East the so-called “Arab Spring” that destabilized the region.

It was during the Obama-Biden administration than Secretary of State Hillary Clinton allowed a “spontaneous” attack on the consulate in Benghazi that resulted in Americans’ murder. There is proof that Clinton knew the Americans were in danger but refused to send defenders.

This is the same Hillary Clinton kept illegal servers on which she kept classified emails; the servers were not secure. Trump gave her a pass and kept Justice from bringing her up on charges.

Neither Biden nor his boss could get Abu Mazen’s cooperation, even after giving the terrorists billions of taxpayer dollars. They didn’t learn from past administrations that put away the “stick” and only offered the “carrot.”

Trump took a different approach. He stopped the “carrot” to the PLO and offered carrots to other Muslim states in the area, e.g., UAE.

Admittedly, Iran is playing a large part in weaning the PLO’s benefactors from Abu Mazen. Iran is about the only Muslim country solidly behind the PLO and Hamas in Gaza. Qatar still funds the terrorists, but will that continue for much longer? Hamas is demanding that Qatar deliver ever more money — money that somehow rarely reaches the average Mahmud and Aisha of Gaza.

Trump’s moves have not brought the PLO to the table, but his actions HAVE gotten other Muslim nations to consider the benefits of an economic peace with Israel that already is costing Abu Mazen support. That is a great deal more than accomplished by the Obama-Biden administration. Again, credit must be shared with the PLO and Hamas one steady friend: Iran.

Biden is in the mold of his mentor, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

It was said of English prime minister Winston Churchill that his sign was two fingers raised in a “V for victory” sign.

FDR’s sign was a wet raised finger, testing which way the (political) wind was blowing.

Both Biden and his running mate, Kamala Harris Emhoff, are said to be in FDR’s mold. If the far left makes the most noise, they will bow to the far left and its demands.

Four words and a date about riots.

Chicago, Democratic National Convention, 1968

Talk about divisive.

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