Tuesday, October 6, 2020


Can Biden survive
In office for a year?
The odds are against it

IF JOE BIDEN WINS THE WHITE HOUSE, he will be well advised not to get too comfortable in the Oval Office.

If Biden’s physical health does not fail him, “his” party will find a way to legally remove him for mental deficiency.

Gary Varvel editorial cartoon on Biden’s debate comment
that he is the Democrat party. (https://tinyurl.com/y4vnf6ru)


Biden is malleable. To paraphrase a former soap opera’s tag line: “As the (political) wind blows, Biden turns.” This is a fact proven during his 47 years as a politician in Washington.

Compared to Bernie Sanders, an admitted Socialist, and the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, Biden is — dare I write it? — a conservative Democrat (or is that is an oxymoron?).

Biden’s politically correct selection of Kamala Harris Emhoff as his running mate assures that the left-wing extremists will already have an ally in the White House if Biden wins in November.

The ladies of the Squad are prime examples of people destroying civility and making the chasm between left and right wider. An example:

    “I got your back,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted at Representative Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, who created a stir by telling supporters on Thursday that “we’re gonna go in and impeach the motherf—–,” referring to the president.

THIS is who will be running the U.S. government before the end of Biden’s first term, assuming he prevails.

The problem is not so much their almost anarchist views, but the fact that, like a kindergarten bully on the playground, they are “entitled” to do whatever they want and no one else has a right to say or even suggest something different.

The United States always has had differences of opinions between philosophies.

For most of the years, each side showed both restraint and a modicum of respect for the other side, at least publicly. Various presidents have been demeaned in private, but until the likes of The Squad, I never heard or read anything so obscene from a U.S. representative mouthed in public.

    As an aside, the higher a person politically, the less protection that person has from abuse. Still, Tlaib’s outburst went beyond anything acceptable. The “lady” has a JD from Western Michigan University so she should know better.

Admittedly, Donald Trump is hardly the most diplomatic, even tempered person to sit in the Ova Office. His tweets are often embarrassing to the country.

On the other hand, he DID revive the economy. He has increased minority opportunities. While keeping us out of any new wars, he has increased defense spending due to threats from Russia and China. He tried to build a wall to reduce the number of illegal aliens entering the U.S. but the Democrats stymied that. He DID manage to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem where it is more accessible to people of ALL faiths. He DID manage to arrange normalization between Israel and at least two of its neighbors. (Iran also deserves credit for that.) He DID withhold taxpayer dollars from UN organizations that have Israel bashing as their sole raison d’etre. He DID reduce taxpayer dollars going to the PLO/PFLP “slay for pay” program that encourages murder of Israelis. Trump DID insist that America’s European “allies” start to pick up a bigger share of the defense burden.

While Biden claims to support Israel, many “progressive” (i.e., leftist) Democrats hate the country and treat unkindly anyone associated with it (e.g., Jews, pro-Israel Christians, Israelis). Biden will return the U.S. to the Obama days when a president snubbed a prime minister in a fit of pique’.

Biden’s campaign ads are amusing in that he promises to do what Trump already is going: bringing jobs back to the U.S., restoring the economy, weaning America from China’s pervasive presence in the U.S. marketplace, buying American (unlike Obama who went tpo Canada for a campaign bus).

The problems began with Trump’s Electoral College defeat of Democrat Hillary Clinton. Unlike previous losers (in both parties), Mrs. Clinton did not admit defeat gracefully nor did she congratulate the winner, THIS despite the fact that Trump gave her a pass on her illegal servers, on her connection — not his — to Russian supporters, and on Benghazi.

If Trump prevails in November, he can be expected to treat Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, with the same undeserved generosity. That, of course, probably will not satisfy the leftists. Name calling and destroying public and private property is more likely.

BY THE WAY, why does the U.S. still have the Electoral College? Both the Democrats and the Republicans claim they want to abolish it (usually just after winning the popular vote and losing the election in the “collage”). The popular vote by citizens (and not a few non-citizens) can be tallied quickly enough with no more danger of cheating than with the “college.” At one time, the “college” served a purpose. I suggest that time has passed.

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