Wednesday, October 7, 2020


Let me vote,
Let me vote,
Let me vote

Democrats Accuse Florida GOP of Voter Suppression After Registration Site Crashes Before Deadline, by Khaleda Rahman (Newsweek,

MY NAME IS KUNI LEMEL and I want to register to vote.

I have a driver’s license and I have a Social Security card for identification.

I chose not to register at the many other registration drives held at libraries, malls, and other places.

I did not want to register on-line even though I could have done so for free at my local library.

I ignored the heavily promoted deadline to register.

But I want to vote.


Voter registration options in Florida

I was born at home in a small rural town. Somehow my birth never was registered and I do not have a birth certificate.

I never did anything for my country — no military service; I didn’t even have a draft card — so I have no proof that I am a U.S. citizen.

But just ask me and I’ll tell you.

I’ll even answer YES to an on-line citizenship question.

(No, I did not answer the Census questionnaire; that’s too invasive although I never looked at the questions. I know its a Republican plot.)

I demand that registration deadlines be cast aside so I can register to vote for the Democrat of my choice — never mind that I decided not to do this during the primaries — having missed yet ANOTHER chance to register to vote.

More proof needed for driver’s license

In the “old days,” in order to get a driver’s license a person had to pass two tests; one written and one on a road.

Can’t read or comprehend English? No problem. The state will provide a translator who also might “coach” the applicant to pass the written or verbal questions. Never mind that the soon-to-be licensed driver cannot read or comprehend road signs. (Granted, many signs are pictorial, but not all.)

    The racist, xenophobic President Trump wanted to make basic comprehension of English a requirement for citizenship. Imagine! In south Florida, if you don’t know Spanish you don’t do business. The U.S. does not have, and never had, an “official” language.

Today, getting a driver’s license, at least the first one, is harder. Applicants now must present proof of citizenship.

ID requirement to apply for a driver’s license in Florida.

Of course there are those who find it more convenient to have a license created by the friendly, neighborhood forger, but …

Compare the ID requirements for a driver’s license to the ID requirement to register to vote.

ID requirement to register to vote in Florida.

Bottom line

The “bottom line” for all the organizations demanding that the voter registration deadline be extended — again — is simple: Forget it.

You had ample time and methods to get your people registered.

If any organization — and this time it is the Democrat party — wanted to “get out the vote,” then the organization should have (and maybe it did) set up registration points in the neighborhoods and gone to the neighborhood in a registration bus (just like the mobile library and blood bank). The organization could register potential voters 24*7 so that there would be no excuse that “I couldn’t get off work to register.”

It is simply too easy to register to vote.

There is NO reason why a person could not be registered.

In a hospital or long-term care facility? Register there.

Although I never have heard of it, county prisoners in jail for misdemeanors could be registered behind bars.

I am against extending the registration deadline simply because the people who failed to register when the opportunities were there probably are not good citizens who probably will vote not on issues but on how they are told to vote.

While it is not the same, this reminds me of places such as New York City where political hacks registered people whose names they got off tombstones and Chicago where drunks were paid to cast a ballot for a favored politician.

The Heritage Foundation ( has a page that “Explains Voter Fraud.”

Solomon was right.

As William Hale Thompson, Chicago mayor from 1915-1923 and 1931-1935 allegedly said: “Vote early and often.”

Yes, this scrivener IS a registered voter and has been a registered voter since I came of age.

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