Monday, October 12, 2020


Where are they?
Where are BLM
And black leaders?

Do ALL black lives matter, or only when tv cameras are on?

A WHITE COP SHOOTS A “PERSON OF COLOR” — never mind what the “Person of Color” was doing — and suddenly

    Black Lives Matter is protesting (sometimes peacefully)

    Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson appear in front of tv cameras

    Democrats condemn the cop (who cares if the shooting was justified)

But where are these people when a “person of color” murders another “person of color”?

Sharpton & Jackson (AP Photo/Matt Rourke @

IS IT POSSIBLE THAT black lives only matter when a non-“person of color” injured or killed a “person of color”?


Blacks kill blacks at an alarming rate.

I just watched footage of a black man walking up to another black man and shooting him at point blank range. There was less than “social distancing” (six feet) between the two men when the shooting started.

By the way, another “person of color” stood by and watched.

No arrests have been made as this is keyed.

Drive by not worthy

The other day the mother of a toddler was shown on the tv weeping for her child who was killed in a drive by shooting, the latest “sport” here.

She was surrounded by friends and neighbors.

Noticeably absent were BLM representatives, any national black “leader,” or, for that matter any local politician of any hue.

Unfortunately, the gathering was not unusual; it is an all-too-frequent occurrence in neighborhoods where “people of color” are the majority.

Also “unfortunately,” in many cases the “people of color” refuse to cooperate with the cops; they don’t share what they know … so the murders keep happening and babies to ancients keep dying. Is it fear of retribution or is it distrust of law enforcement, regardless of the cop’s skin color.

Yes, there ARE bad cops

Anyone who denies that there are some cops who need to be kicked off the force is a fool.

There are bad white cops and bad “cops of color.”

I’ve seen both.

There also are white cops and “cops of color” who are great people who go out of their way to help people — regardless of skin color or any other identifying characteristics.

Claiming that all white cops are racists is as accurate as saying all “people of color” are criminals.

Both statements are lies from the lips of bigots.

When I was in elementary school, I was victimized by a group of bullies. The bullies were Latinos from South America. Should I hate or even fear Latinos today? I don’t. I know too many Latinos who are great people.

Ditto for Arabs. Should I fear all Muslims because some hate non-Muslims? I fear haters, regardless of race, creed, and any other attribute that is appropriate. I have worked with and for too many Muslims that are not haters to tar all Muslims with the same brush.

It makes about as much sense as hating all Aaron Copeland music which, I stupidly did before I learned about Appalachian Spring (, Fanfare for the Common Man (, Tender Land Suite ( Copeland’s early works (Piano Variations ( as an example), which were my introduction to the composer, were discordant and offended my ears.

Promoting racism

I might suggest that “politicians of color,” the Squad for example, and the self-appointed leaders of “people of color” — that means anyone other than a Caucasian — are blaming everything on “others” even when many of the “others” continue to support their cause — even to looting and destroying neighborhoods in the name of Black Lives Matter or, as in Portland OR, the mostly Caucasian “antifa”

This rioting and looting “turns off” the people who may support some of BLM’s activities, but it slowly is turning them into people who will shun “people of color;” who will prefer to do business with anyone by a “person of color.”

Almost nobody likes a bully, and BLM and antifa followers often act like bullies.

BLM will turn people who once felt comfortable with all people, regardless of skin color, into people who are suspicious of all “people of color” they don’t already know. It’s human nature.

I remember when “BLM” meant “Bureau of Land Management.” Better days.

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