Sunday, November 15, 2020


Plans for the World
Are just speculation

NO MATTER WHAT YOU READ OR HEAR about what a Democrat president (Biden or Harris-Emhoff) might do with (pick a country), it all is just speculation.

Depending on the audience’s point of view, the speculation is tailored to match that preferred view.


IF, and with all the claims of fraud and apparently some evidence of fraud, that is a big IF/WHEN Harris-Emhoff becomes president, will she

  • Restore Obama’s failed foreign policy that
    • Gave the world the “Arab Spring”
    • That got Americans murdered in Benghazi
    • That subsidized the PLO/PFLP and Hamas/Islamic Jihad

    • Supported attacks on Israel citizens and visitors (regardless of religion or nationality)

    • That failed to gain peace agreements in

      • Europe (See History repeats, below)
      • The Middle East(See History repeats, below)

or will she

  • Follow a foreign policy dictated to her by The Squad, Bernie Sanders, and others on the far left?
  • Continue the socialist direction started by Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)

It makes no difference what Biden might want to do. There is a general consensus that he will be removed from office — by physical or mental health reasons — or by death during the first year in the Oval Office.

Bottom line: No matter what Biden says he will do, IF he prevails, the leftists represented by The Squad and their ilk will control both domestic and foreign policy.

Biden and the Democrats (except members of The Squad who admit to being anti-Israel) tell the world that they are “pro-Israel,” yet Biden’s 47-year history in D.C., especially as VP under Obama, belies that.

Like FDR before him, Biden always checks the political wind before making a decision; that never precluded him from changing a position if the “wind” shifted.

Many of Biden’s votes came from the far left, and as long as the wind blows from the far left, Biden will set his sails with it — until he is pushed out and Harris-Emhoff becomes America’s first

  • female
  • woman of color

president representing, if not America, then the far left in the (dis)United States.

Packing the Court

The Democrats either, depending on your point of view, promised (leftist Democrat) or threatened (average American) to “pack the court”; to increase the number of justices from nine to to ? Perhaps 15.

This follows in the Democratic party’s tradition.

FDR, the man who would be king, tried to pack the court with his loyalists. He didn’t exactly try to increase the court; he simply wanted to replace sitting justices.

FDR Packing the Court
(History on the @

History Repeats

In digging around the internet for this entry, I stumbled across Theodore Roosevelt Facts ( It seems that Donald Trump is TR reincarnated. The following will infuriate leftist Democrats, but according to the cited site:

    Theodore Roosevelt, President of the USA, received the Peace Prize for having negotiated peace in the Russo-Japanese war in 1904-5. He also resolved a dispute with Mexico by resorting to arbitration as recommended by the peace movement.

    Roosevelt was the first statesman to be awarded the Peace Prize, and for the first time the award was controversial. The Norwegian Left argued that Roosevelt was a "military mad" imperialist who completed the American conquest of the Philippines. Swedish newspapers wrote that Alfred Nobel was turning in his grave, and that Norway awarded the Peace Prize to Roosevelt in order to win powerful friends after the dramatic dissolution of the union with Sweden the previous year.

    In domestic policy, Roosevelt was a radical within the Republican Party. He went in for social reforms and for state control of big capital. Roosevelt's term as President ended in 1908. During World War I he tried in vain to be allowed to serve as an officer, and in 1919 he opposed US membership of the new League of Nations.

Trump, of course, never received the Peace Prize, despite arranging peace between Kosovo and Serbia, and the deals between Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Israel. And he never fired a shot. Like TR, the treaties were negotiated; no one lost and everyone gained.

Neither Obama nor Biden received a Peace Prize for bringing peace to anyone, anywhere.

Indeed, according to Geir Lundestad, former non-voting secretary to the Nobel Committee (

    The committee hoped the award would strengthen Mr Obama.

    Instead, the decision was met with criticism in the US. Many argued he had not had any impact worthy of the award.

    Mr Lundestad, writing in his memoir, Secretary of Peace, said even Mr Obama himself had been surprised.

    "No Nobel Peace Prize ever elicited more attention than the 2009 prize to Barack Obama," Mr Lundestad writes.

    "Even many of Obama's supporters believed that the prize was a mistake," he says. "In that sense the committee didn't achieve what it had hoped for".

What Mr. Lundestad’s book, Secretary of Peace , makes abundantly clear is that the Nobel is given NOT for accomplishments, but strictly for political gain. The book might be worth checking out once it’s on the local lending library’s shelf. (I failed to find it for sale online.) Snopes notes that Lundestad said that nowhere does he write in the book “that it was a mistake to give Obama the Peace Prize.”

    It is interesting to note that Menachem Begin (with Anwar El Sadat) won the Peace Prize for “for the peace treaty concluded between Israel and Egypt

    Peres and Rabin and the terrorist Arafat shared the prize "for their efforts to create peace in the Middle East. (We know how THAT worked out.)

Bottom line

Anyone, other than perhaps Harris-Emhoff, who claims they know what Biden, if he prevails, will do is just guessing. Everything by everyone, possibly even Biden, is strictly speculation.

Biden never has been a leader. Most VPs lack any real authority so Biden cannot honestly be blamed for Obama’s actions or inactions.

If the fraud allegations can be dealt with to Trump’s satisfaction, than Biden can move into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

In the meantime, this scrivener believes it right and proper to assist Biden in setting up a transition team. Team members always can go home when/if the fraud claims are validated.

After thought

Thousands of Trump supporters rallied in D.C. and none of them broke into and looted stores, tore down statues, or otherwise caused havoc.

The LA Blade ( which bills itself as "America's LGBT News Source" cited

    Reports indicate there was at least one scuffle between march participants and counter-protesters near Freedom Plaza.

    Additional clashes took place a few hours later near Black Lives Plaza and outside the Capitol Hilton on 16th Street, N.W.

    One incident involved fireworks thrown at a group of Trump supporters who were sitting in a nearby restaurant.

    The Washington Post reported a man was hospitalized after he was stabbed in the back during a melee that broke out a few blocks east of the White House.

    The Metropolitan Police Department in an email to the Washington Blade said 10 people were arrested for firearm violations, simple assault, no permit, assault on a police officer and affray/disorderly. NBC Washington reports at least 20 people have been arrested.

The Blade conveniently did not identify if the arrested were Trump supporters or anti-Trump protesters.

The Blade DID report that

    Members of the Proud Boys, a white nationalist group the Southern Poverty Law Center has designated as a hate group, and Gays for Trump participated in the event. Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert is among those who spoke.

Tell me again that the Proud Boys deserve the SPLC’s label as a “hate group.”

PLAGIARISM is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.

Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Defamation is a false statement of fact. If the statement was accurate, then by definition it wasn’t defamatory.

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Comment on Speculation

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