Tuesday, December 15, 2020


Getting vaccine
Delivered quickly

Warp Speed

YOU MIGHT NOT BE A “TRUMPER,” but as president he usually kept his promises.

He promised “warp speed” for the development, testing, and distribution of a vaccine against the Chinese virus.

He delivered.

Could Biden or Harris-Emhoff done better? They DID claim they could have delivered a vaccine in record time, but neither was POTUS so it was all “just talk.”


TRUMP’S PLAN WAS for the military to deliver the vaccine. While Army General Gustave Perna, chief operating officer for the Defense Department's Operation Warp Speed, is supposedly in control of vaccine distribution, civilian resources are being used to transport and inject the vaccine.

When I was a young lad in the flyin’ corps, the Air Force took innoculations seriously and “shot up” hundreds of airmen every day.

This was before the “gun” came into use; each injection was with a new syringe and needle. The medics had to be quick.

The Air Force had its new recruits line up — EVERYTHING was in a line — an as we moved forward, a medic had his “weapon” in hand.

The medics did not come to us; we came to the medic.

We did not sit down — no reason to sit since we were advancing at a good speed.

We did not get boo-boo bandages, either.

Wipe (alcohol) on, stick, wipe (alcohol) off and keep moving.

Same situation for small pox vaccinations.

In fact, before the vaccinations were healed, we were back for a second round of “preventive medicine.”

    I told the guy in front of me that the medic would stick him in his vaccination. He didn’t like that idea. The medic missed the vaccination, but when MY turn came, his “aim” was better. I never felt the needle.

Later, working at an Air Force hospital (Orlando AFB, c 1960), we did the same thing when mass inoculations were required.



Warp speed.

Minor changes

Now, being a senior citizen who moves with a “mobility scooter,” I get to sit as I wait in line for my vaccination. (Yes, Virginia, I will get vaccinated as soon as it becomes available to normally healthy geezers.)

I see no reason why military medics (“corpsmen” to sailors and Marines) should not give the injections. They are pros. (Never let a doctor give an injection; most rarely do this and are out of practice.)

Let those of us who are “mobility impaired” and in scooters or wheelchairs pass by seated medics. Those who are ambulatory may walk past standing medics.

It is FASTER if the “patient” comes to the medic than the way it is being done by civilian nurses now.

The above is NOT a knock on the nurses and technicians administering the vaccine. They are skilled and, by all accounts, doing excellent work.

This IS a knock on the process where the needle pusher goes from patient to patient, even those lucky enough to be fully mobile (e.g., other critical care staff).

Although Trump allowed Pfizer to sell Made-in-the-USA vaccine to other countries before all Americans had a chance to be vaccinated, there are (at last) two other vaccines in the pipeline.

When these become available, and all the critical personnel (medical staff, cops and fire “personnel”) are inoculated, then perhaps the POTUS will “call out the Guard” (or encourage governors to do so) for mass vaccinations “the military way.”

Step right up.

To paraphrase the Laugh-In “Sock it to me” line, “Stick it to me.”

There are those who refuse the vaccine. Cartoon by Shlomo Cohen for Israel HaYom 15 DEC 2020

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Comment on Warp speed

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