Monday, May 10, 2021


If life is so bad,
Why remain
In U.S., Israel ?

LET ME BE PERFECTLY CLEAR, I am a dual national — U.S. by birth and Israeli by “Law of return” — and I am NOT about to cancel either one.

Neither country is “perfect.” I don’t know any place that is perfect, but I notice that there are
both the United States and Israel.


IF THE U.S. is so “racist,” then why do blacks stay; there are, after all, many countries that are predominately black; that have black-led governments, and that would welcome educated blacks with open arms. Or perhaps the stories I have read abut ex-pat blacks are just lies; figments of a “woke” imagination.

Muslims who want to change the character of the country — vs. those who truly want to integrate into the surrounding society — can pack their bags and go to any one of about 30 countries where more than 90% of the citizens are followers of Islam. ( Not Islamic enough?

There are 26 predominantly Muslim countries that have anchored Islam or a specific form of it in their constitution as a state religion. (

Muslim world (


How many nations have a form of Spanish as their native, official language? Besides Spain, most of Central and South America are Spanish speaking.

A number of Latin American countries offer more opportunities for Spanish-speakers than the United States.

In other words, Latinos escaping poverty or despotism in their own country would be better off heading south, not north.


There ARE Arabs — Muslims, Christians, Druze, and a potpourri of other Muslim-based beliefs — who live in Israel, go to school in Israel, work in Israel, vote in Israel, sit in Israel’s government and on its highest court; there are Arabs in the national police, the military, in government offices.

All, without exception, worship as they wish, where they wish. That is not entirely true. Jews cannot ascend the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism (and only Number 3 for Muslims).

These people are Israelis in all respects; they just happen to be Arab.

I fail to see an exodus of Israeli Arabs to any Muslim-dominated country. Many Arabs left Israel when the “glorious invading Arab armies” promised to drive the Jews into the sea — not once but several times — and failed.

Arabs from Hamas-controled Gaza and PLO/PFLP-controled “Palestine” escape to Europe rather than another Muslim-dominated country.

Just as I fail to see an exodus of blacks or Hispanics to either black-dominated countries or countries where Latino languages and cultures are the norm.

Blacks immigrate to Israel and are absorbed into Israeli society, sometimes slowly and sometimes with some difficulty, but they ARE integrated.

    Admittedly there is prejudice in Israel, primarily by Jews from Europe, the continent that gives the United States whites their prejudices and hypocrisy.

Just riot

Some “people of color” and the leftists that encourage them, take to the streets, looting and burning, even their own neighborhoods. Whites who object to being victimized are accused of being “racists” by the leftists.

Muslims are encouraged to do the same by their masters in Gaza, “Palestine,” and Iran.

Never mind that there is nothing to gain and a great deal to lose.

Pity the black in America who just wants a decent job with a decent home. Now, non-blacks look at him as a potential terrorist.

Ditto an Arab in Israel.

The rioters are causing people to shun others of the rioters’ race/appearance.

Why would anyone put themselves in jeopardy if, by avoiding a certain group of people, that jeopardy cold be eliminated.

Who gets hurt?

The folks — regardless of race, religion, political belief — that just want to get ahead.

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