Sunday, May 2, 2021


Is there hope
For Left, Right
To coexist ?


Both the countries of which I am a citizen are being pulled apart in an ideological war between the far left and far right.

Those of us in the middle have little control over either side.

Consider two siblings fighting over a toy — usually the toy loses, and that means BOTH sides lose.


Fighting children (

Similar to the bear in the above cartoon, those of us in the middle suffer the most.

The fear is that the extremists will bring about a new “civil” war.

The U.S. War for Southern Independence or States Rights war, America’s civil war, ended on 9 April 1865. That’s more than 165 years ago, but hard feelings still exist among some.

The war was NOT fought to “free the slaves.”1 Mr. Lincoln’s war allegedly was to preserve the Union, despite the Constitution’s permission for states to withdraw from the union. Lincoln’s proclamation came on 1 January 1863; the war formally commenced on 12 April 1861. More than 623,000 Americans died during the war. (

Despite numerous programs to help former slaves and their generations integrate into society, America’s white “progressives” mantra remains the same: America is racist.

It is interesting to note that these white liberals encourage blacks from their own well-guarded estates where only a very few select blacks will be welcomed.

Integration is necessary . . . just not in MY neighborhood.

An aside

The “progressives” and their JINO friends are telling “white” Americans we are “too white. That America is racist.

SO PERHAPS someone can explain to me what happened to:

    Uncle Ben, the comfortable, albeit black face, of the rice product. Nothing demeaning about the dapper gentleman. Gone.

    Aunt Jemima, a black woman, who before admen "slimmed her down,” was the warm, welcoming face of hot cakes. The slimmed down version looks too busy to hug a child. Gone. My personal “Aunt Jemania” was Aunt Bessie, a WW2 Gold Star mother who always had time to hug a child.

    Uncle Remus, the Aesop of the new world, gave us morality stories, but was shelved long ago by the Disney company. Uncle Remus, supposedly a house slave past his prime, taught us — without regard to skin color — to prefer brains over brawn. Gone. Br’r Rabbit had to go into hiding after his confrontation with Br’r Fox’s Tar Baby. (Lawd, don’t throw me into that brier patch.)

    Shall we no longer learn about the Buffalo Soldiers (black cavalry and infantry regiments), or the Tuskegee Airmen?

    Frederick Douglas, with his Afro hairstyle, probably will be allowed to keep his place in history since he was, according to Wikipedia, “an American social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman.”

    While the Socialists and Communists complain America is “too white,” THEY are the ones erasing any and all black presence.

    While “whitening” America, the progressives” and JINOs may as well consign West Side Story to the back shelf as it is a “brown” Romeo and Juliette (even if few of the actors actually were Latino).

    Burn all the cowboy movies, especially Cisco Kid (with sidekick Leopoldo Antonio Carrillo as Poncho) and The Lone Ranger (with sidekick Jay Silverheels as Tonto). People of color.

Will Chinese Charlie Chan be replaced on library shelved by white Belgian Hercule Poirot?

Coolies helped build the west despite localized discrimination; are they to be cast into the dustpan of “whiteness” because of their sensible headgear?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s concentration camps for Japanese-, German-, and Italian-Americans may be relegated to a footnote in history — after all, FDR is the leftists’ god with feet of clay.

Top Row Left-to-Right

"Uncle Ben" Frank Brown * "Aunt Jemima" Nancy Green * "Uncle Remus" James Baskett * Frederick Douglass

Bottom Row Left-to-Right

"Poncho" Leo Carrillo * "Tonto" Jay Silverheels * "Charlie Chan" Stanley Toller * Hercule Peirot (many actors) * Chinese laborers c 1871


In Israel, ex-pat American leftists have banished the word “Cushie” — meaning a person from Cush where the general population was black — and by fiat ruled that henceforth blacks will be known as “she-hor-im” (blacks). Too bad “shhorim” sounds very much like “she-KOR-im” (drunks). Did anyone asks the black Ethiopians what they preferred. (It is said that the Queen of Sheba was a “woman of color.”)

It’s not what you say, but how it; listen to a bigoted Euro-Jew refer to the “swartza” (black person) in the U.S. “Cushie” never had a pejorative connotation by Israelis in Israel. (I live here.)

These same ex-pats also manage to whine about illegal immigrants in South Tel Aviv.

South Tel Aviv is an unsafe home to relatively poor Israelis, far from the safe areas inhabited by the ex-pats (and politicians). It’s not fair to label ALL those asylum seekers as potential murderers and criminals, although too many turned out to be just that. (Sounds like the U.S.-Mexican border issues.)

Israel needs more Muslims in parliament (Knesset), the ex-pats shout.

While that in itself is a good thing, Israel’s leftists are promoting as Members of Knesset (MKs) people who actively promote destruction of Israel.

While the Knesset is more conservation than liberal, Israel’s judicial system is controlled by the left.

Lacking a constitution, there is an on-going battle between the elected officials (MKs) and appointed officials (judges).


1. Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation freed "all persons held as slaves within any States, or designated part of the State, the people whereof shall be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free." (

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